🔱 Tethys – 5* Ice / Blue from Season 2

Thanks for the video! But I think the team you shown in the video is a bit overkill with 4-1 and especially pairing with Xnolphod. 4-1 tile damage will already do a lot of work and result in wasted DPS. Xnolphod is probably better used with Alfrike and Ludwig.

I think Tethys can pair well with just a 3-2 team. I am testing her with Crystalis + another fast blue hit-3. The water damage and Corrosive frost stacks. Won’t kill the whole team like you displayed but certainly can take out 2-3 opponents which can still result in a win.

She is definitely a great hero. The plus 60% attack will pair very well with any blue offense.

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Has she been nerfed yet or is it after Atlantis finishes?


She won’t be nerfed. Because she isn’t OP. Due to lack of dispell or cleanse.


I most often attack 4/1 with Xnolphod (or another off-color healer). That said, I always do my testdrive videos in a team that I would use for attacking. I build overkill into the mix in case I lose someone …then the team still kills. haha.


Okies, I hope you’re right.


Got her on my 2nd coin pull, the first was Wilbur’s costume!! Needless to say, I won’t be doing any 10-pulls!!


Here are my thoughts!


yeah, i also feel her artwork just very similar to vela with that huge scythe.

seems SG doesn’t want to pay new artist to draw new artwork so they use unused vela alternate version


Tethys looks like a lot of fun, and I have no legendary blues and 18 of these stupid telescopes. So I emptied my stash of Atlantis coins (about 30 pulls) and got . . . zero legendary heroes.

There was a consolation Wilbur at least, near the end.

Disappointed, certainly, but that’s how RNG do.


titans + farming-rainbow(on s5 probably miki will take over) + raid/war
and in def… right flank? really(poll)? she’s a left flank/wing aaaaall day long


If Tethys is the goddess of the rivers, what is she doing in Atlantis? Pardon my uneducated mind, but an ocean has rivers?

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probably of all rivers which gets to bring the water to the oceans. lol
good catch!

oh and i see some water wings there too, besides the whale

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I said I’d do it, so here it is! I power leveled Tethys and took her on a test drive…

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It could be a reference to the Tethys Ocean, a prehistoric body of water. Remnants of this include the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Making it both a geographical feature that disappeared (although in an opposite manner to the mythological Atlantis) and related to the region this mythology originated.

There are also special undersea currents that are further bound by temperature and salinity differences, and function like rivers at the bottom of the ocean. In some cases, these are continuations of terrestrial rivers, like the Meghna.

Or it could simply be a Greek figure connected to water, and we’re over thinking it. :slight_smile:


Just maxed this beauty, anyone have the best emblem path?

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most go attack path, as that is what i see the most from those that have Tethys

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Did one 10x pull

My luck for this millennium spent


@NittanyLionRoar this would have gotten you the blue tile :slight_smile:


Thanks @BoolzSan_CrewKNIGHTS :slight_smile:

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How does she compare to Vela?