Tempt someone to join your alliance

Awwwww! Virtual :hugs: s - always great to hear from you :star2:


Well that’s just cruel. I saw my name, joining the alliance, and @sleepyhead in the same email and just about fell out of my chair. :grimacing:

Have to agree, there are a few in the FTP thread I would GRATEFULLY welcome onto Muchacho’s crazy train, and sleepy is WAY up on that list. :purple_heart:

One can dream…


I don’t know if @Jackyl is the same one I know from my previous alliance but if he is, then I’d surely want him to join the crew family. He’s a great player and a good person. Many more cool folks in that ally who are too cool to have a forum handle. :rofl: If not, apologies for the mention but hey, you’re still welcome to come join us if you’re looking for a change. :wink:


Some players get a hero that doesn’t fit their playstyle and they label that hero useless.
Some players get a hero that has lower stats or a weaker special than some other newer hero and label that hero obsolete.

Some players get a hero that doesn’t fit their playstyle and they play around with their playstyle to see how they can get value out of that new hero.
Some players get a hero that has lower stats or a weaker special than some other newer hero and play around with that hero to see how they can get value out of that hero.

No prizes for guesisng which category of player I respect… so yes you are most welcome in my fantasty alliance.


That would be an honour @Igmuhota , many many thanks :slight_smile:


Thanks to @Steve9999 I’ve been tempted and poached lol!! I wonder how long I’ll last with their wonderful team before getting kicked :wink::wink::wink:


Case in point: My Anubis is wonderful vs healer or minion heavy teams…cant understand the hate for Anubis.

I think he’ll be better than Ludwig in raids once I level him up. Ludwig is still king of events though


Yep, a certain subset of the play base is super narrow minded. Anything that is not part of a 7-tile kill team, or is slower than fast and doesn’t deliver massive damage to all or set up for massive damage to all seems to be considered “useless”.

I think it is quite sad.


It always scratched the wrong itch in my mind when people paint a hero they don’t understand (doesn’t fit their play style, don’t know how to utilize that hero the best, have tunnel vision, you name it) useless. I remember when some said Sekhmet (SEKHMET for crying out loud) is useless because there are better reds than her. Sekhmet useless!

I understand if you pull a hero that doesn’t really fit your play style and you get disappointed, but saying a hero is useless just because your knowledge of the game, tactics and utilization is limited is plain stupid.

I can agree to disagree with posts which are well-argued, they tend to just show we do play differently and utilize heroes differently, but those “useless heroes” posts without comprehension of a hero are laughable and not worth mentioning (and here I am, mentioning them :rofl:).


I have … many … itches. But this one is by far my biggest.


Kicked Anna ? Why … You are a generous


totally agree, a lot of players tend to judge a hero based on one or two game modes… “this hero is too slow for defense/ too slow for PvP offense…”

What about Titans, one of the various PvE modes, etc.? and for that matter, a hero may not fit a particular person’s playstyle, but for sure many others are able to use that hero well on offense.


Man, it was written on our door!

Lmao! :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: why do people keep saying we are twins!?! I’m a little bit more awesome than u are @NicoX , and
Before you react, :deciduous_tree:!

Man, i think the diamond is what causef the laserbeam eyes. . . :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

That does it! You are Curly! :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Can’t be the first because ummmm. . . Check what’s written by the door :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Why do u even have to think? What’s the matter with you!?! :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

There wouldn’t be any shut up, nirvana if nico don’t actually suck :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Awwwww @mrchief , why would u say that? She’s very cool. . . So cool that sometimes i dont know if breathing is even allowed. . . :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Lmao! :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: i have no recollection of posting that, man!

If it’s effective, the more reason u should do it :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: man, please dont tell your leader i said that :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Nah, pike couldn’t be any clearer. I know u have trouble with math, didn’t know reading is tough too. . . Man, is this part of being nerfed? :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Oh dang. . . . She will do it!
@NicoX at least these people will go earlier than us! :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: Silver lining!

@FrenziedEye nice thread. Not only an opportunity to give appreciation to the best people that we know inside the E&P Community, but also to poach players legally :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: (jk) and extend friendship to new people that we met along the way

And most of all, come and find out the STORY OF THE



And also, shut up @NicoX , i can see from my screen that you are typing!



You’re saying this word so much that I’m starting to suspect it was your job at some point, which you have to admit is entirely plausible considering the information you’ve given me. :joy:

I am and I’m not even ashamed of it. :joy: Being overly obnoxious to you is one of my favorite hobbies.

Same here, miss you! Hope all is well in New Cakeland.

You’d be so proud of me! None of my teams are 7-tile kill teams. The fact that I don’t have the heroes or troops to achieve that may play a role, but let’s set that aside. :joy:

Seriously though, I’ve never understood the hate for slow heroes. Some of them are amongst the best ones in the game. And it’s become even worse, “you can’t win against today’s meta with mana broken 9-tile average heroes” now apparently. I must be hallucinating when I manage to do it with my fairly weak roster.

My favorite one is still “Khufu is useless” :rofl: I mean come on! You don’t hear these people much anymore nowadays…

:rofl: Sure, but I’m much more handsome, so there’s that. Also, I have shoes.

:sob: Damn, that must definitely be it. It’s science.

:sob: I’m definitely not breathing just to be safe.

@BlackZed , what are you doing exactly? You really don’t want @Skellet53 to displace anyone, they will be reduced to dust in her steps. There’s enough death and destruction in this world. :joy:

Edit: Yes, I know @sleepyhead . Mega posts and whatnot. :joy:


Ehmmm, could you guys get a room? Or at least post a warning for poor innocent souls out there?


I’m gonna point my whole alliance to this thread :stuck_out_tongue: you’re in trouble!

(Just kidding)


Oh yes please! This request is supported! :roll_eyes:


No, just the two of you. :roll_eyes:


A room with whom? I reply to roughly 56 people per post on average. :joy: