Agreed with you on all points regarding Telluria. That said she is still a huge PITA for war, especially when you’re down to your last two flags and you either have to get creative, or risk it with mono, or idek. So while we may see her less and less in raids, I predict she’s still gonna be the top war tank for a long long time until she gets absolutely smashed into the ground like what happened to Vela.
Thanks for all that extra detail on the Richard tanks. So for those three teams, I immediately see the problem of them doing nothing at all to punish green stacks. Even worse, all three of them have average speed heroes for the center three.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from all the raids and wars, it’s that if you’re gonna use an average speed tank, your flanks damn well better be (very) fast to compensate. Also the one with Guin on flank is a head scratcher; I mean I kind of understand what they’re trying to do, but at the same time Guin is a pretty terrible flank, and slow Azlar on wing?! Mon dieu that’s like a cardinal sin lol. The only slow heroes that go on wings are the three revivers (MoNo, Alby, Heimdall), and even then they go on left wing and left wing only. Plus with two blues you’re just begging to get killed by a green stack.
Anyways I’m babbling, if I were to run (c)Richard as tank, this is what I’d use (assume cRichard would be at +16 and Lianna would be +10 and have max CB):
Gravy helps counter a green stack somewhat, and once I get that green mana troop to lv 17 (or take the mana node at +8), Lianna+CB now charges in 7 tiles, so if you don’t take out cRichard ASAP you’re gonna have a very bad time. Obviously can’t defend against a good board or a mono green team with 3x Kingstons lol (I salute your wallet), but I feel like it’s fast enough, and can output an enormous amount of damage fairly quickly if you don’t watch where you send those tiles. Would love to hear any thoughts you have.