Telluria/Vela nerfed! Ok, where do we go from here? Part 1 (Tanks)

Agreed with you on all points regarding Telluria. That said she is still a huge PITA for war, especially when you’re down to your last two flags and you either have to get creative, or risk it with mono, or idek. So while we may see her less and less in raids, I predict she’s still gonna be the top war tank for a long long time until she gets absolutely smashed into the ground like what happened to Vela.

Thanks for all that extra detail on the Richard tanks. So for those three teams, I immediately see the problem of them doing nothing at all to punish green stacks. Even worse, all three of them have average speed heroes for the center three.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from all the raids and wars, it’s that if you’re gonna use an average speed tank, your flanks damn well better be (very) fast to compensate. Also the one with Guin on flank is a head scratcher; I mean I kind of understand what they’re trying to do, but at the same time Guin is a pretty terrible flank, and slow Azlar on wing?! Mon dieu that’s like a cardinal sin lol. The only slow heroes that go on wings are the three revivers (MoNo, Alby, Heimdall), and even then they go on left wing and left wing only. Plus with two blues you’re just begging to get killed by a green stack.

Anyways I’m babbling, if I were to run (c)Richard as tank, this is what I’d use (assume cRichard would be at +16 and Lianna would be +10 and have max CB):

Gravy helps counter a green stack somewhat, and once I get that green mana troop to lv 17 (or take the mana node at +8), Lianna+CB now charges in 7 tiles, so if you don’t take out cRichard ASAP you’re gonna have a very bad time. Obviously can’t defend against a good board or a mono green team with 3x Kingstons lol (I salute your wallet), but I feel like it’s fast enough, and can output an enormous amount of damage fairly quickly if you don’t watch where you send those tiles. Would love to hear any thoughts you have.

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Ladies and gents,

I bring you the new meta setup :


You wish to go BLUE vs red right? WRONG : Marjana and Francine bring bonus dmg vs blue, and attack down

You wish to go YELLOW? Ursena with extra dmg, yellow reflect and yellow Leonidas on flank!

Ok ok, what about DARK? Leonidas def down vs dark and attack down and dark Ursena on flank!

Okay, I will go GREEN : fine go GREEN and bring your weak element vs red splash sniper at fast speed

Hmpff, I guess I will go red : You can try. You will deal normal dmg to center and flank, but dont let Athena blast you with extra dmg to RED

My suggestion : Go rainbow to mitigate bonus dmg vs stacking and bring 2 healers, atleast 1 cleanser, and 3 of 5 have to have solid dmg. Since enemy doesnt have healers, you basicaly need to outlast them, even if you are just chipping away at them slowly.

Example : C. Rigard (or Freya at fast speed+ def up), Lady Woolerton, Frigg, Zimkitha, Master Lepus ( or C. RIchard to survive better vs bonus blue dmg). :slight_smile:

Your thoughts and lineups?

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@Darkness11 I’ll probably do the same. I was going to pull emblems off Telluria and put on Frida once I completed leveling her, but now after reading the various threads about Frida I’ll wait and put them on Clarissa. I also just finished Marjana and I was going to put my Rogue emblems on her. But now, I’ll wait until I have Frigg leveled and I put them on Frigg. I might even pull emblems off PiB and Domitia, so I can max Frigg. I figure unless I luck out and pull Ursena in the near future, Frigg will be my tank down the road.

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@rho I recently faced a very similar team with +23 and higher troops. It was a PITA, but don’t remember the outcome. Jabber is the unknown. If you get average or bad boards, Jabber can go off and the battle is over. If you can overcome an average board, the attacker can win if they take the tank and damage the flanks before Jabber starts firing. With your fast flanks, it punishes the attacker if he can’t get a quick kill on Richard. Nice!

Plus, I don’t see myself trying to get into the Top 100 and staying there. I want to hover around 2500 to 2600 cups. I would be happy with that.

@Cerevan_the_Omni I like the lineup! I’m assuming you are referring to costume Leonidas. Correct? The new costumes coming out for Marjana and Leonidas will be huge and definitely change the landscape. The other new heros will be great additions. Thus, we will need to wait and see what state the heros are in when they finally get out of beta and make the Live game. I’m saving all my costume tokens for the costume event right after they are released. I’m hoping to get one or both since I have both leveled in my roster.

Day 14 Raids - Observations are

  • My raid defense held up surprisingly!
  • Telluria still heavily used! (11)
  • Grimble and Magni were prominent today!

I went 19-3 attacking and 7-7 defending. Of the 36 raid battles today (both attacking and defending), 25 were non-Telluria tanks. Here is the list of tanks I ran into:

  • Telluria - 11x
  • Grimble - 4x
  • Magni - 3x
  • cElena - 2x
  • Richard - 2x
  • Aegir - 1x
  • cRichard - 1x
  • Elena - 1x
  • Guinevere - 1x
  • Heimdall - 1x
  • Joon - 1x
  • Kadilen - 1x
  • Kunchen - 1x
  • LOTL - 1x
  • Ranvir - 1x
  • Seshat - 1x
  • Vela - 1x
  • Vivica - 1x

2 week summary in next post!

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2 Week Summary - Observation of last 14 days

  • Telluria is by far the most used tank! (113)
  • Saw every possible tank there is!
  • To my surprise, a lot folks using Blue/Ice tanks!

I went 126-23 attacking and 49-66 defending (sub-50% win rate). Of the 510 raid battles (both attacking and defending), 397 were non-Telluria tanks. Here is a full list of the tanks over the last 14 days:

  • Telluria - 113x
  • Kunchen - 22x
  • Elena - 21x
  • Vela - 21x
  • Boril - 16x
  • Magni - 15x
  • Kingston - 14x
  • Heimdall - 13x
  • Kadilen - 11x
  • Richard - 11x
  • Justice - 10x
  • Santa - 10x
  • Aegir - 8x
  • BT - 8x
  • Clarissa - 8x
  • Thorne - 8x
  • Evelyn - 7x
  • Isarnia - 7x
  • Seshat - 7x
  • Ares - 6x
  • Azlar - 6x
  • LOTL - 6x
  • Ursena - 6x
  • Anzogh - 5x
  • cRichard - 5x
  • Delilah - 5x
  • Jean-Francois - 5x
  • Sif - 5x
  • Vivica - 5x
  • Atmos - 4x
  • cElena - 4x
  • Cyprian - 4x
  • Grimble - 4x
  • Guinevere - 4x
  • Kiril - 4x
  • Lianna - 4x
  • Mitsuko - 4x
  • Neith - 4x
  • Raffaele - 4x
  • Sartana - 4x
  • Zeline - 4x
  • Zimkitha - 4x
  • cMagni - 3x
  • Elkanen - 3x
  • Frigg - 3x
  • Gravemaker - 3x
  • Grazul - 3x
  • Joon - 3x
  • Khagan - 3x
  • Miki - 3x
  • Poseidon - 3x
  • Wu Kong - 3x
  • Alfrike - 2x
  • Ariel - 2x
  • BK - 2x
  • Boss Wolf - 2x
  • Finley - 2x
  • Gullinbursti - 2x
  • Inari - 2x
  • Malosi - 2x
  • Okaban - 2x
  • Onatel - 2x
  • QOH - 2x
  • Ranzir - 2x
  • Tyr - 2x
  • Alasie - 1x
  • Atmos - 1x
  • Buddy - 1x
  • By-Ulf - 1x
  • Caedmon - 1x
  • cElkinen - 1x
  • cTiburtus - 1x
  • Drake - 1x
  • Fenrir - 1x
  • Freya - 1x
  • Frida - 1x
  • Garnet - 1x
  • Guardian Falcon - 1x
  • Horghall - 1x
  • Leonidas - 1x
  • LiXui - 1x
  • Marjana - 1x
  • Melandor - 1x
  • Mist - 1x
  • Proteus - 1x
  • Ranvir - 1x
  • Richard - 1x
  • Sir Roostley - 1x
  • Skadi - 1x
  • Wilber - 1x
  • Yunan - 1x
  • Zocc - 1x

Summary - Of all tanks seen, 113 were Telluria tanks. That’s around 20% usage. I’m sure it’s much higher in the Top 100. All other tanks were between 1% and 5% usage. This is still unbalanced. The future looks very bleak for Telluria. :sob:


You know I just realized, ever since the nerf I actually stopped using my Tell+15 on offense and preferred using cMelendor+0 instead EL-OH-EL. To be fair cMel does have a much bigger heal, and the defense boost along with dispel really help with survivability. But still it is just so very sad.


Yeah, costume Leonidas :slight_smile: Glad you do! Thank me when you get rank 1 with it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Jade seems to have some good potential. A friend is using her in Top combat will get with him once he has conculded think this is war 4 with her at tank…

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@Razor Good to know! Please keep us posted! I did not get any of the ninjas with my free tokens, but eventually I’ll pull one. It would be good to know which has tanking capabilities. Thanks!

@Darkness11 @rho I think Frigg is definitely my future tank unless I luck out and pull Ursena sometime in the future. I would she would be good in raids as well, but it sounds like the jury is still undecided on that point. I see more and more posts of folks impressed by Frigg either in their lineup or after opposing her in battle.

I have Ursena, at +18 even, and I can tell you right now she will disappoint you greatly if you tried using her as tank in today’s meta. This isn’t 2018 anymore and there are just too many good (non-yellow) counters. Or you could run a yellow stack and bring Malosi to beat her to the punch as well. I base my opinion on how poorly my Ursena defense performed in over about a dozen wars, it got one shot 80% of the time, by players with weaker rosters even.

Other than that, yes I agree Frigg would be the next best thing, too bad I don’t have her. Actually if you do tank Frigg, I actually think it could be fun to run double blue flanks. You create a green trap - basically you’re baiting the attackers into stacking green, which means Frigg is more likely to fire because she’ll be hit by neutral instead of strong tiles. So eiither they kill Frigg asap, or neutralize her with Malosi, or clear as many green tiles as possible before she fires or they die very quickly.


I agree with @rho

Holy has gained answers.
Malosi is just one.

Ursena is dangerous, but her stats will keep her in the glass cannon category.
Not tank, any longer.

Frigg has more defense and considerable more health. And with a flanking GM, can be problematic should you choose green for your attack squad in an attempt to ensure that your not pushing empty tiles to avoid bigger hits from Frigg.

Fire is still a decent counter, however. Now that Vela has been thwacked

Telly is still the best tank. Her stats all but guarantee you’ll be slowed at least once. Which just gives more beatings you’ll have to take from high powered flanks and wings.

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@rho I was thinking something similar now that I have both Magni and Finley leveled and emblemed. The two along with Frigg in the tank position could be very interesting. Working on Frigg now. After I get her leveled, I’ll need to move some emblems around which I hate to do as I use most of the heros that I have emblems on. Too many decisions! :wink:

I don’t have GM or Vela, only Telly. And she’s not great anymore. I know, without those two, she never was… but still. I managed to get something decent. Not anymore.

I hold way more trophies with Alfrike, strangely. I always said she didn’t belong in a def team but I think I may have been wrong. As a tank, she’s surprising. Better than Ursena. Both are maxed out.

@Pompitous I agree that Telluria is still the top tank “for now”, but her high usage will continue to put pressure on SG to nerf her more. When that happens, I’ll finally switch. But until then, I’ll prepare. I have all the pieces. It’s just a matter of modifying my Green leveling plans and Rogue emblem plans. Marjana “was” going to get my Rogue emblems after I leveled her. Now, they will go to Frigg. LOTL was my next Green leveling project. I switched to Frigg and will do LOTL afterwards.

@JimP Alfrike is a beast! I’m not surprised that you are getting good results from her at tank. What I have noticed when I raid teams with her at tank is you have to take her out ASAP. If you get bad boards and she fires, you probably have lost that raid. If you take her out early before she fires or at least before she can fire twice, you typically win.

The key for Alfrike is to flank her with fast/very fast heros that can either punish the opponent for targeting your tank or can provide protection for Alfrike. Minion shield, taunt, reflections or counter-attacks all aide to keep Alfrike alive so she can do what she does best … destroy all opponents!

I’ll keep trying different flanks. I don’t have top flank heroes tho, but maybe Zim, Sif, Kingston, Ariel, Delilah or maybe even Ursena could do it. I wonder if QoH could be good as flank too.

@JimP Sif would be interesting. Check @D_DI 5* positioning guide:

5* heroes positioning guide

It can really help in deciding which heros will work best in which position.

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