Telluria/Vela nerfed! Ok, where do we go from here? Part 1 (Tanks)


Here is my update regarding Guinevere vs Ursena. Overall Guin defense did not perform as well as Telly defense did post nerf. I think the problem was having Ursena Flank. I either needed a maxed Sartana Costume or maxed Clarissa. I even dropped down to 2425 in cups. Both of those heros are at +7, but I have not tested them.

As for Ursena, i raided enough times last night to fill my raid chest three times until it needed a cooldown. I logged off with cups at 2828. I logged back on once before bed and ended up jumping to 2997 in CUPS. WOW. Than stayed off 8 hours until this morning. I woke up this morning to 2651 in CUPS. Overall last night my defense had 34 wins, 29 losses. In my raiding last night 90% were telly. Today, about 50% defense teams were Telly when they attacked me. So overall happy with the team below. Note, I always go full attack>defense on every hero except when I did telly. So for now, i am staying with this defense.
