Telluria – 5* Nature/ Green - March 2020 HOTM (Hero of the Month)

I also got lucky and pulled Lady Locke and got a 2nd Telluria.
Would it be a good idea to level up 2 Tellurias? I only have Gregorian and Margaret fully maxed and am maxing my first Telluria, but would you max Lady Locke after that or do a 2nd Telluria?

2nd Telly.
Locke is nothing in comparison with Telly. I never took care of her whenever I met her. Just played as if she wasn’t there. Imo that will never happen with Telly.

Mod Translation:
Only 100 coins from Atlantis and Telluria came to me, so I’m really satisfied

Original Text

Apenas 100 moedas de Atlântida e me veio Telluria, então estou bem satisfeito

Remarkably lucky, or you did lots and lots of pulls? Lol

I’d say LL, unless you particularly enjoy using Telly on war offense. Average speed 5* healers are rare so having 2 wouldn’t be bad

Locke is great on offense as her damage is quite high and AI isn’t smart to time a cleanse properly. Plus her tile damage is very high for titans.

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Great advice. I have Telly and Heimdall at 3:70 as I’m waiting on another AM. So I decided to work on LL. She seems interesting and should be fun To play with.

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Is Telluria popping up in the diamond arena a lot? Also who would be ideal to flank her in a defense lineup?

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As of 10 seconds ago six of the top 10 players ranked are running her as tank.


5 times in top 10 - I’d say yes. :wink:

Vela and Jean/Gravey as flanks.
Sesh and Drake/Zimi on wings.

Fin/Wockie/Rabbit - also nice.


Ideal flanks: Vela and GM


A post was merged into an existing topic: Seshat – New July 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): First Thoughts & Discussion

I keep seeing people mention GM/JF paired with Telluria along with Vela. Vela I can understand, but why GM/JF?

Also, is there any particular reason GM/JF would be a better flank for Telluria than Clarissa, assuming she comes out like she is currently?

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Vela protect Tellutia from reds, Gravemaker protect Vela from greens, Telluria takes half damage from blue tiles.

Jean-François… he is a good tank but not as good as Gravemaker as flank so idk.


GM (or, by lesser extent, JF) is better in my opinion, because Clarissa is also paladin, and 3k emblems is huge)

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Sadly no GM here…so…what about a 3 central pack as this? Could it work?

Protection from RED
Protection from BLUES (the hard & dangerous hitters’ color)
Big Mana control

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It look more like bowling pins…lol.

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Fast & Very fast still … preferred

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So, how would Telly pair with (or not a good idea) with BK? I’ve luckily pulled 3 of Telly (3rd today from costume pull). I have one at 3/70, but debating between giving my 6 Tonics to her, Zeline or Kingston.

If Black Knight manage to fire then Zeline would be his best flank due to her extra damage against blue.


Can you have more than 3 minions?
I have telluria now in my offense team with Santas helper, which spaws also a minion, but i can’t get more than 3?
Is this normal?