Team Light has a free spot! 9*-11* titans

Scared when it’s dark and you can’t see what’s moving in the bushes next to you? Eerie sounds around you… what was that? Just a bird? Or a deer? Or could it perhaps have been a hungry dragon? You walk faster, your heart is jumping, you start running, faster, faster, as fast as you could, is this the end?? Then, finally, you see something lightening up in the distance! The light comes, the fear goes, that’s us being there! Become one of us and bring the light wherever it’s missing – to other allies, scary dragons (9*, 10*, 11*) and of course the Gorgon Queen! WE R THE LIGHT!

We are a social ally with members from everywhere around the globe. We help each other in the game and team up in AW. We do have line but it’s optional and there is also no strict rules about how many cups you need to have, or how many times you have to hit the titan. All we want is to have fun in the game :slight_smile:


3200+ team power, level 25, 1900 trophies

3500 gotta huge dik tho

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I want to be in the alliance, you can invite me, my username is TytanusB. I have 3512+ team power, level 34, 2100 trophies

Hi.I’m Patrick. My troop power is 4.021, and i have 2545 cups. I shoot the titans 6 times a day and always use all my flags during the war!.
I like your efficient alliance, because I can see fun is never far away.:smiley:

Thank you.
I ’ ll be happy to join your team.
But I need an invitation.

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Hi Pateteti, invite is set open for you. You’re welcome to join team Light.
Just knock the ingame door and we will let you in.

Thank you.
But the door is still locked,what am I supposed to do ?
It’s the first time I join a team with invitation, sorry.

I spot available, 1800 trophies required. We are at 134700 points right now + facing a 9* titan.

I have 1400 trophies, but growing fast. Any chance ?

Please don’t poach from other alliances recruitment threads. You are welcome to start your own :relaxed:

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How do I get an invite?

Two spots available!
Currently 131000 ally points with 28/30 members.
Blue 10* Icehammer Giant

i am between 2000–2300, with tp 3400+, very active, am i qualified?

Yes, you are! :slight_smile: We filled the spots earlier today but just have another spot available! I lowered the cup requirements.