Team building help request

Awesome! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me :heart:

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my pleasure, teach a man to fish as they say

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Yes, and teach this woman to fish and she’ll run back to her group and share all of this new knowledge with them!

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U have pretty good options… Assuming that u can have only 4* heroes (absence of 4* mats to level 5*heroes) :

C Kelile - Gullinbursty - C Boril - Tiburtus - C Caedmon


Gormek - Plotemy - Li Xiu - C Grimm - Tiburtus

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last great tip I can think of is get your advanced house to level 7 as fast as you can! a level 7 advanced house gives you enough free recruits to keep your training camps running cheep slow training. when you save up some recruits you can switch 1 or 2 of your camps to faster training to level up faster. its a game changer not having to worry about playing enough to keep your camps going

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I don’t have any advanced houses yet :frowning: once i recover from Thanksgiving, i will inventory my builds and check back in :slight_smile: Happy Thanksgiving!

Also, what would you do with the last of this path? Thank you for your help!

Take the mana node, then the last one.
But remember to good defense results in low riposte damage.

You need 12% adfitional mana generstion to fire him after 9 tiles in offense, defense is more complicated to calculate, but the higher the mana generation the earlier he can fire his special.
With the 2% mana talent node, a lvl.11 mana troop is sufficient to shave off one tile.

Happy gaming

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Thank you :blush: :heartbeat: :relaxed: I really appreciate the help!

Would you give capes to Iris, Thorne, Magni or Alasie? It’s tragic so many of them need the same thing!

costumed Alasie, Iris, costumed Thorne, that would be my order…

Happy gaming

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Now that I have worked on them a little more, what do you think would be my best raid defense team? Your attack team help has made a huge difference in my ability to participate in challenges, raids, etc. Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Here is the updated info after giving capes to Alasie

Defense is mainly built around your tank, that´s the most important position. Preferably you want a hero that can do it all, but of course those don´t exist, so you have to make choices.
One consideration are stats, especially the defense and HP stats, but if you tank is a damage dealer, also the attack stat matters.
As to abilities: Two ways to go there: Either the most damage possible, or something that makes your team survive longer. If you like to bring healers to your defense (which is not necessary, but of course possible), tank is the best position, flanks are OK, wings are horrible places for healers (usually they fire after some of your heroes have died, which means the skill is totally wasted. So never place a healer in wing.
Speed: The faster the better, but if you have to use slower speed heroes, tank position is the best position for those, because they get hit by most tiles and therefore can charge even at slow speed. A slow hero on wing will not usually charge in any meaningful timeframe and either never fire at all or at a time when the outcome of the battle is already decided. Think of speed as a pyramid: Tank can be slow (or anything faster), flanks should be at least average speed, while wings should be at least fast.

looking at your heroes, I think 2 stand out for tank position: Boldtusk and Cyprian. with LB/CB(costume bonus) they are among your best heroes stats wise. Damage dealing seems to be the bigger trouble for you than healers.
BT has an insanely high def stat and his attack boost makes your other heroes do a lot more damage, while his super talent makes him extremely annoying to deal with.
Cyprian with the counterattack early on is hard to deal with, if people lack the knowledge or roster to bring a good dispeller. The advantage is he already deals damage.
Ptolemy is definitely an option, best stats of your heroes and good healer with extras, but he lacks the damage potential of the other 2 options.
gullinbursti is a good tank option as well once fully emblemed.

As a starting point you´ll try to aim for a rainbow defense and if possible have the flank in the strong colour against the strong attacking color, for example if you have a red tank, the strong attacking color is blue, which makes green the good color for your flank. However all these color considerations are nice, but not the mostimportant thing, so if your roster doesn´t give you good choices in certain colors, feel free to ignore this. Just keep in mind that multiple heroes in a color (especially if same color as your tank) present an additional weakness that can be exploited.

Hope that helps somewhat, feel free to puzzle something together and then we can have a loot at what you come up with :slight_smile:

Thank you for your thoughtful help and the time spent walking me through the knowledge share :heart: This is the defense team i put together. Next step will be putting together a team for the Bloody Battle!
I will walk thru my thought process to see if I’m staying on track -

Chao (fast speed mana down)
BT (average speed health up, attack up, decent #s)
C-Cyprian (average speed, all ally counterattack, high health #)
Ptolemy (average speed, health up, ailment immunity, high health #)
C-Alasie (fast speed, mana down)

I used all of my feeders on C- Alasie to bump her stats up as much as I could. I am missing the days of stockpiled rugged clothing and backpacks - I burned through those and now I’m just growing new feeders as i collect up the resources to make them … making for a much slower go at it. I can see why people throw money into the game!

Looks good! At least for the time being… Maybe Iris is still better than Alasie, but as soon as you get Alasie up higher, she´ll definitely be the better option.

Eventually such a defense won´t work anymore, as the center is extremely passive, meaning none of your center 3 is dealing any active damage. which gives your attacker all the time in the world to charge their specials and then simply take you out. But see how it goes, if it performs well enough keep it, if not, try swapping in more damage and take out a healer, or even both.

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If you have the time, would you mind helping with my first mindful attack build for this 5 :star2: buff boost with no holy? I have a few new faces, and have been working hard to upgrade heros :slight_smile: :grinning: I really appreciate the help you have given me!

what´s that now?

buff booster is just the same as always, with the extra bonus for heroes that do buffs for your team. And since everybody likes to use buffs, dispellers are extra useful.
So in your case I´d always make sure to bring one of: Iris, Melendor, Caedon along.
For buffs, well the obvious ones like BT and CGrimm etc, that do attack boosts normally, they just do 20% more in buff boosters.
Counterattack is especially strong in buff booster. It counts as a buff and increases your attack, while many people attack you with especially high attack and so reflect even more damage than normal. Usually I prefer the version that counterattacks more for 3 allies than the one that does all allies with lower reflect, but in buff booster I would use the reflect for all version, so everybody gets the attack boost. If you can´t or don´t want to use this version, put the hitters next to the counterattacker and the healers farther away (they need the boost less)
Heal over time is another buff (which a few of the costume 4 star S1 do), in your case that would be CMelendor for example (also CSabina, and Kiril etc). So he´s definitely a superstar for buff boosters: Dispels the enemy buffs and gives double buffs to your whole team, so in addition to the Def boost and heal over time you get the 40% attack boost from buff booster, it´s a real nice package deal.

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Some more explanation: Main thing important about tant is that he must survive heavy tile damage. It may be done in two ways - You can select a tank with very heavy defence so he will survive until someone (himself or one of flanks) heals him or put a fast heavy-damage hero that can kill enemies before they kill him.

One thing: in raid defence healers are not necessary, the team will be fully healed after the battle anyway. It is not so for war defence - there the team goes to the next battle with all losses from previous battle (if managed to win it of course). So healer is much more needed there.

There is one exception to this rule. If your healer is also a reviver (like Alberich, Heimdall, Mother North) it is best to put them on left wing - in this case you want them to fire when the rest of your team are dead.

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For Bloody Batte don’t take healers into your team! They will do much less than in other conditions. If you need their secondary skills, try to find a damage dealer who does something similar. Better take Gormek instead of BT (def down can make up for a loss of atk up), cCaedmon instead of Ptolemy (cleanse to replace ailment immunity).

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