Tarlak or Gregorian? (Anyone experienced with Tarlak?)

First world problems, I know. Sorry.

I have been siting on 5 tonics for a month or more and have Gregorian at 3/70. My only other 5* Green is Horghall (maxed, which I now deeply regret) and I had been planning to max out Greg for that green spot. I have just pulled Tarlak today, and I’m not sure who should get the Potions when I eventually get the last one. I love Wu of course, but if Tarlak is a replacement without the drawbacks like everyone predicted, then I’m sold. I haven’t seen much discussion about him from anyone that has him leveled up. I was really, really looking forward to maxing Greg, but he is very good at 3/70. Help!

I do have other 5* snipers ascended - Magni, Sartana, Natalya, and I’n working on Leonidas and Drake (with materials in hand).

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I vote tarlak…

Tarlak the beast. Eats Titans and events for breakfast :smile:

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I’d pick Tarlak as well.

Tarlak: his increased damage isn’t situational and he also heal.
Crit buff could be handy but Gregorio is a bit weak compared to the other HOTM and if you look closely you’ll see that Gregorion’s crit buff is even worse than Melia’s ones.

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How so? I would really like to know.

Gregorion: +30% critical translates to +30% normal damage.
Tarlak: +100% normal damage.
Easy pick.

Duration / Mana Cost (uptime)

Melia = 4 / 8 = 0,5
Gregorion = 3 / 10 = 0,3

And she gives +6% crit over Gregorion’s buff on top on not requiring ascension materials to be worth mentioning.