So I’ve finally managed to gather the 4* materials to ascend my first two 5 stars. Almost on the same day which is crazy. So it would seem that Tarlak and Joon are the better options but it takes forever to gather the tonics and darts so I want to make sure I get it right. Those are the only green and yellow 5* I have at the moment.
Joon is an easy call.
Evelyn/Tarlak is much harder. Tarlak has replaced Wu Kong on my titan teams vs. yellow, green and blue—much safer choice, huge attack stat, and useful healing, with similar net attack boost. He’s slid in raid and war offense. Evelyn is essential on blue titans and, at 4/80, could be on your defense well.
I think I’ve just talked myself into Evelyn. You have both at max special, but she’s the one you’d put on defense and therefore needs the extra bulk from going to 4/80.
Wow you bring up some great points I hadn’t considered. I forgot about defense. Tarlak has also become my titan mvp recently but I have evelyn on my defense team. I would like to compete with stronger titans but I also want to be able to compete in diamond tier more regularly. Aghh it’s a tough call.
Actually before I commit to ascending any of my 5* I would like to ask another question. My biggest limiting factor are my 3 Damascus blades. I’m close on almost all 4* mats with 5 telescopes/ tabards but only 4 mystic rings. I have 10 5* heroes so I was wondering if you could tell me which to prioritize.
Green: Evelyn, Tarlak
Yellow: Joon, Justice
Blue: Frida
Red: Zim, Khagan
Purple: Sartana, Aeron, Kunchen
I’ve had luck with the hotm.
All are in their 3rd ascension except Aeron and Kunchen who are unleveled. I already have a diverse group of maxed 4* heroes so its time to max some 5*.
I’d be comfortable with Joon / Evelyn of of that set, using two of your three blades.
Hey sorry to keep asking questions but I have an update. I pulled alberich from Atlantis. I’ve heard great things so should I save my tonics for him?
Lucky sod, you are. These are three of the best nature heroes in the game. Tarlak will do the most against titans in general. Evelyn is okay at 3/70 against blue titans. Alberich is best hero overall, but less impactful on titans than Tarlak.
Well it cost me 34 pulls worth of gems and coins but it was worth it. I’m glad I got Alby but I’m bummed that 3 of my best 5* are all green. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to gather all the materials to ascend them all.
Green: Tarlak - titans must always come first
Yellow: Joon - not even a competition
Blue: Frida - quite obvious
Red: Zim - fast cleanse (essential during raids)
Purple: Sartana (one of the all the time best purple 5* if not the best)
Tarlak 100% without doubt , even if he is first priority over Alby & Mother
Joon for Offensive and Justice for Tank