Yup, that’s pretty much how I do it too. Love that 3’s are relevant again.
Yes, I already mentioned that I was facing Aegir tank in the range of 3500 TP while using 3300 TP team, that is obviously platinum, not diamond. In my range, 5* tank that bother me is Guin, not Aegir.
In a vaccuum, which defense line is better?
Marjana, missandra, guin, kage, lianna
Marjana, missandra, kunchen, drake, lianna
I also have ursena instead of kage if that’s better
After guin and kunchen I think ares, aegir and grave are next best but I can’t decide if guin with a hel/kage/seshat/ursena support is better than kunchen with drake/Poseidon support.
The other I will build around that decision.
Please help
I vote this one.
Replace Marjana with Gravemaker when you have him ready and put him on flank.
Thank you. So you think guin with kage is better
Than kunchen with drake? Is kage the best dark flank for her?
I don’t have grave just commenting on tanks to keep consistent with the post
I’d say it depends on what you want from your def and if/how they are emblemed.
Personally I have more issues with emblemed Kunchen tanks than emblemed Guin tanks, especially now with Ses in the roster. Kage however is a nasty flank, better than Drake (who is also an awesome flank).
Rainbow def is the strongest, and doubling tank colour is risky, but you if you want to go Kunch tank and still use Kage, you could put the latter right wing and Lianna left (leaving Marj out).
Try the different setups out for a while and see which one gives you the best result? I shift my def around once a week maybe, trying new war defs or just getting ideas. As long as I stay in diamond I don’t care if I lose (and losing means juicy revenges!).
Cool, ty.
I agree kunchen is tougher imo than guin.
Almost everyone says guin but kunchen is more durable with stats and immediate health gain and sets up for the team with his defense down.
I agree with rainbow so kunchen and drake.
If I pull grave or alby this will change but for now misandra, drake, kunchen, marjana, liana is probably best
Thank you for your help.
Kunchen with 20 emblems it is.