Tabards for Arfanias or C.Sartana?

Looking for some purple firepower, but won’t use tabards on both of them, they’re too similar. Got enough emblems for both clases, but no aethers in the near future. Any arguments to favor one or the other? At this point I’m leaning towards Arfanias.

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Have you got other last year hotm? Celidana for example…
I’m pushing up my Arfanias cause I like play with him, for Dodge and great damage. My Sartana +20 (no costume) is great too, but poorest than costumed.
But Arfanias has other good things, Def up, Dodge and plus attack on sword path.

Just has the same attack if you use Arfanias well.

I like Arfanias, the damage modifier for enemies mana can make him hit very hard… superior revive though it a good reason to consider Sartana, without it I think Arfanias is easy pick… but you are choosing based on the hero dying lol.

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I don’t have C Sartana, but I like my Arfanias. Wasn’t Arfanias in one of previous SE lists for 10 souls and C Sartana is now for 15? I don’t get it, I think Arfanias is better imho. I also prefer hitting heroes with him, that have at least half to full mana bar filled, so he gets harder hit in.

All C Sartana has that Arfanias don’t is superior revive, he is rogue and on top of that after he fires another very high chance to dodge damage from special skills. Arfanias wins in this category too.

I used to want C Sartana, but now that I got Arfi, Idc about her anymore, her costume wouldn’t get used now, if I get it.