Swap Aegir as def for current Onatel?

My def team is Zim Victor Onatel Kage GM. I have Aegir at 4^70 needing one telescope to max him. Onatel replaced Arthur btw with red wings and dark flanks.

I don’t trust AI to use Onatel to best affect at all times. Also, really like having a healer on every team which I obviously do not have here.

With Aegir buffing all with 100% heal equal to regular damage, I feel a team with one fast, one very fast and two very fast with level 11 mana troops would be very tough. With shared damage, a one shot kill would have to be done before Aegir’s special triggers.

Only thing holding me back is taking a swing at getting Ariel.


Aegir is much much better now but if maintain the current lineup you would lose the color stack advantage with Onatel in the middle.

If you use Aegir, you might want to change to the below:

Kage - Zim - Aegir - GM - Victor


Actually, thinking Vic as left wing. He has def buff. I would give him the dark level 11 mana troop. Aegir has same buff so this could be a constant regardless of opponent debuffs.

Kage for left wing is mainly for the dispel. Gives more chance for higher damage on the enemy by removing any possible buffs.

Vic’s buff can come from any side of the lineup anyway while he does not help with improving damage. Any cleanse/heal/dispel should mostly be on the left side so that those on the right can maximize any potential damage by removing any debuffs on self and buffs on enemies.

After Zim’s cleanse, I want Victor’s +def. He lokely triggers turn before Aegir so +def goes on. Kage dispels his target only.

Well probably we have different targets in mind.

But I prefer to kill faster rather than to last longer.

Most Vic teams dont give me an issue but I would always fear Kage for heavily hitting my hero or killing one.

Having the opponent to have 1 hero down is better than to have a defense buff. But that’s just my opinion.

I second @AirHawk about Aegir be a better tank but with two purples is better a holy hero as central.

That said, 2 reds call for a triple stack of blues (which are full of good defence debuffers) and you don’t want your spirit link go against you.

If you can, go with Aegir tank and a rainbow asset (possibly with a healer as flank)

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If I had a 5* healer, Aegir would not be in the conversation. My thought is his special gives my team the ability to self heal. Along with shared damage, thinking he might be a better choice than Kiril had been. I left Kiril a few iterations of my defense ago. Since then, no healer.

I learned tbe hard way that another healer near him is the worst combination i may encounter.

If i take too much time kill him, another healer next to him reset my whole battle as the starting point making me even go with a no kill defeat.

I honestly think a healer in flank position is the best asset for Aegir users.


Still not a bard