Suspension and alliance

Good morning all. I’m posting again cause it’s been a week 4 of our players have been suspended. No answer from SG. That’s anoying…
But besides that… we are 30 in the alliance… so we are all punished… matchs at war aren’t fair… for next one, for example, they are 30 and only 1 not playing…
We are 30 but only 26 playing…
We cant even say that we dont want to play wars, since they cant enter to dismiss team…
All we are asking for is an answer… How many time the suspension will last? And how long will it take to SG to give our players an answer…

Why don’t you kick the players ?

Or is the leader one of them ?

SG doesn’t disclose bans like that…

Don’t have status to kick them and even if i had, wouldn’t do it

SG bans for violations of terms of service and does not discuss individual bans here on the Forums. Your players can contact SG individually here:

(Scroll to the bottom and click the blue link “Submit a Request”.)

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