Summons are ridiculous - Summons MASTER

Pokémon GO

In Pokémon GO, except for shiny, and legendary Pokémon ( think HotM and 5* heroes), I could sell / trade / give away free - all my top tier attackers, including some legacy attacks, to another person in a few days ( think 4* heroes, limit 100 trades per day ).

Granted most people who need them would be mid tier players so we would need to be best friends in the game ( 90 days helping each other ).

But some of my teammates have quit Empires and other teammates could use their 4* heroes.

Physical Cards

I also broke even on my magic cards.

It helped that I was able to trade high value cards I did not need for high value cards I wanted.

Plus $300 USD sale of a “beat to heck Black Lotus” helped the total. I loved that card.

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