Summons are ridiculous - Summons MASTER

I’m always amazed at the people who defend this game and the developlers. Sure it’s a gamble to spend money, but to be this unlucky is unacceptable. You guys back the devs and bash the person writing their opinions in this forum for why? Come on now, a person’s luck can’t be that bad just because. I’ve played this game over a 1.5 and have yet to receive a single five star hero. I haven’t spent much money compared to many, but I’ve done numerous summons only to receive basic hero’s, some 4s. I quite often received 2 or 3 or the same 3* hero’s consecutively. If this is like buying lottery tickets as some of you say, this should also be rare, but its not. In fact it has been so common with me, that I expect it to happen. People pay for the opportunity to get better hero’s so even with your gambling or lottery analogies this is still garbage to be this hapless. I’m not buying that some people are just that lucky and summon a great 5* hero with one or two summons and others of us are just so terribly unlucky. I think its intentional! Say what you want, but this is MY OPINION.