Summons are ridiculous - Summons MASTER

And in my latest post I also said that if they did make changes to coding without telling anyone, then they were too subtle to make a difference. I haven’t noticed anything different beyond what has been officially released by Small Giant. I don’t believe I am the only one that feels that way either.


The reduction of Loot Tickets in Reward Chests was explicitly announced. It may have been after the fact, but they still announced it. The reduction I’m seeing is actually pretty minor.

And that was the only reward I was interested in other than 4* mats, I wasn’t impressed when I read that update, LOL.

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Yeah, I’m a Loot Ticket person myself especially when I’m in a rush in my daily life and need to burn Field Energy in the click of a button. Now, I find myself auto-farming when I’m available for sustained periods but still don’t have time to directly engage with the game.

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Pretty sireal image of a cat you have there @Mothra, if it where one, lol

I thought it was an image from the latest Mothra movie, but it’s actually someone’s fan art.

Edit: NOW it’s the Mothra from 2019.

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This one looks like a dragon with it’s jaw open and teeth showing, gills all widely spread out and in flight about to pounce on something, lol.

These must be RNG images, making us see what isn’t there, LMAO.

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I have a vague recollection of reading about a change in damage (cap) that people thought SGG did for a mono team attacking a lower level titan?

Fira, you go and call the police. They also deserve a laugh now and.then. It doesn’t matter whether you pay for a summon or get it as a freebie, there is no guarantee of a 5* hero or a Hotm. The chances of getting one are clearly laid out if you tap the I icon. I got 13 in 9 months including 3 Hotm. Happy with that.

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Mothra, I got 13 in the same period. I am also happy with it.

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They actually announced it ahead of time — that’s exactly what I said I was thankful for.


Hero of the month … never.
Usefulness of atlantic coins … none.
Usefulness of vahalla coins … none.

Shameful that !!


Yep. And for those that don’t want to scroll back to see an illustration of Gacha at work, here it is…


Not enough Renfeld and Dawa in there


Or the Friar.


It’s a very weird business model they’re running, why do I want to spend money to summon heroes that I can’t ascend because the drop rate on ascension items is so broken.
It’s like they’ve turned off the taps, everyone I know is complaining about it. I can get heroes from my tc20 that are just sitting at 3/70 because I only get mats to do 1 hero per color per year. My alliance regularly kills 11-13* titans, I fill all chests and war, MV multiple times per day and can’t get anything.
And they wonder why players are ■■■■■■■■ to Mythwars, the drop rates there are normal at least.

I’m having the same issues. Can’t even buy the 4*s. I’ve been 0 for the last 4 loot box offers and maxed out the tries each time.

I’m done with spending as well. I will probably continue to go VIP but that’s it. Instead, I’ll focus on what I have (regardless of rating) and bench depth.

Good luck everybody and don’t spend unless you are comfortable with getting nothing for it–the most likely outcome.

Good evening guys!
As the title says, I’m disappointed this month!I had accumulated upwards of 38,000 diamonds that I spent in season 3 in the hope of getting Teluria and finally got nothing !!I still made about 10 pulls on the Atlantis again nothing!
Most of the time I try my luck at the desire to get one ΗΟΤΜ heroe carry it off but this time I don’t know what’s to blame!We’re talking over 160 pulls (I don’t laugh)!!
For the following event I have 10 ready coins and I don’t know if it’s worth spending for my ardent desire!In my country we say the one who insists, wins!I don’t know if I need to sacrifice to the god Zeus!
What chances are I get what I want??

Yours sincerely!

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