Summon heros is not fair

There is no sense whatsoever in spending gems on epic or elemental summons (unless you especially want to get a Hero of the Month, which you can’t train). You’d be wiser to spend elsewhere.

Pleased to hear you’re not so unlucky as to be in the third percentile.

Training camp 20 has a higher 5* drop rate than any summon confirmed by devs

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I’m tired of spending money and getting double back to back if same 3* heroes even at special events. I’m getting my butt whooped on quests with people with awsome characters always having the newest ones coming out. I noticed the Europe people have the best chances. Well I don’t live overseas anymore, God Bless America give us better chances or u will lose our monetary support on this game.


You’ve ‘noticed’ this? That ‘the Europe people’ have better chances, do they? As opposed to what? ‘The Asia people’? 'The ‘Merica people’?

Fascinating: I’d just love to hear more about your insights.

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So the Europe people with better odds is an interesting thing. Our alliance seems to favor the Europeans for luck on Titan loot…unsure on the summoning. They frequently report getting unfarmable 3* loot at B/C ratings usually (yes, I know there’s more of them so there’s a better chance) but I’m talking at least 1, sometimes 3 per WEEK.

I can’t really imagine a bias though intentionally put into the game for Europeans, lol.

I researched an

Aphrodite Lambrou

Small Giant games are based out of Helsinki - hence Europe do your research like I did through articles about developers and what they think of games and what it grossed since it has come out $$$ is very high :wink:

Aphrodite Lambrou

No spit, Sherlock. Your point?

I’m closing this thread as it has resulted in spreading false information and personal insults. Please everyone review the forum rules: Forum Rules - Please Read

For clarification, we do not discriminate players based on their region - all players have equal chances.