Suggestions on Fire and Dark 5-stars

Would be grateful for any suggestions from the forum members on their views on whom to ascend on the next Fire (red) and Dark (purple). Just coming up to 12 rings and 12 Tabards.

Context: CTP , coming up to 2 years.

My active roster is per below:

Fire star Bench is per below:

Some notable 4-stars:

IMO, I’m talking in theory.
Fire: Elena, and Azlar, Noor can be playble at 3.70.
Purple: 2nd Sartana, Grimble at 3.70 is sturdy, Obakan is Obakan.
And as I see, you are in that progress.


Thanks … I was thinking Sartana next as you mention, but was really unsure about the Reds.

The funny thing about Obakan is that when I take him into battle the AI always targets him and he has usually fired his special - so it’s not uncommon for him to take down the attacker as he goes down.

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