[Sub] War Medals or is everyone over thinking war matching?

[Stub] War Medals or is everyone over thinking war matching ??

==Background ==
When I first started raiding in Empires , I fought a single Boldtusk 4* 4.70 with my five best heroes, I lost badly .

The other player got plus trophies and I got minus trophies.

==Using already programmed code==
Don’t we already have program code that works for alliance war matching?

Due to the Revenge bar, persistent HP, war points, kill team bonus and one use heroes, we would need a version of trophies, a separate stat, lets make them medals.

When your war defense team is attacked and survives, your medals go up and the attackers medals go down, same coding as trophies.

When you attack a war defense team and get the team kill bonus, your medals go up and the defenders go down, same coding as trophies.

You lose medals when an attacker gets a team kill bonus against you.

You lose medals when a war defense team survives your attack.

There could be a participation bonus or a weekly decay to deal with changes in the game like new heroes( HotM ) or new mechanics ( introduction of Barracks).

An alliances war score is the total of all member war medals.

Probably have to use trophies as a seed value, but medals would quickly become their own stat, independent of raid trophies.

==Reasoning ==
We seem to be distracted by the revenge bar, persistent HP, war points, kill team bonus and one use heroes. But is the basic idea - win, lose or tie a match- any different?

Yes a separate stat would be needed ( see above differences from raiding) but Elo’s original mathematics have been adapted to many PVP 1x1, 3x3, 5x5, 30x30. Every time you a succeed, your medals go up, every time you fail, your medals go down.

==Social Engineering==
This is gonna be weird. To help get over the weirdness add a comfort stat- assists. Assists have no in game use, but are a valuable tool none the less.

Every time a player attacks an enemy war team, and the enemy war team is later killed by a teammate , they get credited with an assist.

You don’t have to add an enemy war defense team kills stat, but like titan finishes, it would still be cool to track.

I recommend AGAINST adding a stat tracking the number of times your war defense team died, since low level teammates get picked on, a LOT.