Styx heroes don't charge as expected

I tried sharing the chart and was told I was wrong. Here is the explanation by @Grimir.
I haven’t tested this.

This chart is wrong. You can’t charge Styx heroes with 7 tiles with 29% mana bonus. Because it’s not 9 tiles for 2x charge, but 6 tiles for charge 1 and 3 tiles for charge 2. For charge 1 one tile gives you 16,7 “mana unit”. For charge 2 one tile gives 33,3 mana unit. So, let’s assume you do a 4 tiles match and after that a 3 tiles match:

  1. 4 tile match = 4 * 1,29 (mana bonus) * 16,7 = 86,0% mana
  2. 3 tile match - first tile = 1 * 1,29 * 16,7 = 21,5% mana => 86,0% + 21,5% = 107,5% => first charge complete
  3. last 2 tiles of step 2 = 2 * 1,29 * 33,3 = 86,0% mana => 107,5% + 86,0% = 193,5% => charge 2 is not full!
    => You need 34% mana bonus to get a Styx hero to charge x2 with 7 tiles.

It gets really interesting with ghosted tiles with 0 mana bonus:
3 normal tiles + 3 ghosted tiles

  1. 3 tiles = 3 * 16,6 = 50% mana
  2. 2 tiles ghosted = 2 * 2 (ghost factor) * 16,6 = 66,7% mana = 116,7% => charge 1 complete
  3. 1 tile ghosted = 1 * 2 * 33,3 = 66,7% mana = 183,3% mana total => charge x2 not complete.

3 ghosted tiles + 3 normaltiles:

  1. 3 tiles ghosted = 3 *2 * 16,6 = 100% mana => charge 1 complete
  2. 3 tiles = 3 * 33,3 = 100% = 200% mana total => charge 2 complete

Brontes is not average speed