Stronghold Strategy

Could use some guidance here. I’m level 30. Stronghold is level 17. Trying to plan ahead for Lv 20.

I have 3 Training Camps. 2 of them run TC11 and I try to keep the 3rd running TC2 if I have enough recruits and backpacks (Thank you Atlantis!)

Dilemma is WHEN to start leveling those camps!

Training Camps

  1. Lv 11, running TC11
  2. Lv 11, running TC11
  3. Lv 12, running TC02

I shudder when I think about shutting down one of those camps for an upgrade. I’ve thought about NOT doing it at all until my stronghold reaches level 20 and I get to build a 4th TC. Then, instead of immediately getting started on training, I would just keep leveling that thing until it reaches 20. Open to suggestions on the most efficient way to do this with minimal downtime on feeder production.

Also a little confused about the buildings. I never felt I needed a 3rd Forge (or even a 2nd), but they were available, so I built them. Of course, I would have rather built an extra farm, but that wasn’t an option.

When I reach SH20, i unlock the final section of the town and I presume then I can build another TC, as well as another farm. I keep my farms at max level to keep ham on tap. The only thing I’m really concerned about are the Training Camps and the best route to TC20


Here a few threads on training camps…

As for forge its worth taking one to 20 and a few to 5 as you can transfer them into other things later on…


It depends on whether you are f2p or not. If you regularly pull for heroes, chances are you will pull the S1 heroes or better during your pulls and you don’t need to go over TC11, as you just need them for feeders


My advice

20 quoted camp characters


Depending on roster, and play style, Guaranteed Rare ( RT12 ) is cheapest for hoarding food



I think first finish SH20, and then upgrade your TCs, you are right that on SH20 you will get 4th TC. And between TC11 and TC19 there is nothing interesting.
TC20 is not so interesting as well, heroes it gives you are outdated, really useful mainly for retraining at HA10 (or to be sold at soul exhange when it comes). Limit-broken 4* have almost the same strength and are much cheaper.

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I never bothered to level more than one training camp above level 11.

I run 2 TC11, 1 TC2 nonstop and the forth TC is alternating between TC2 and TC11 depends on the capacity of backpacks.

Recently I use the 4th as TC20 to get some more 5* before soul exchange take place.

Not quite true, TC 19 has a good option for speed upgrade. Food costly though.

Whether it is right now or much later, you will have to upgrade one, if you actually need the TC 20 of course. If you have a constant flow of backpacks you can leave the fourth TC (which comes out of SH 20) at lvl 2 indefinitely as it will be only undergoing the TC02 training. That way you save a lot of building time of TC 2 to 11. That being said, if you have two builders (ViP pass) you should prioritize getting your TC 12 upgraded alongside your Stronghold, because that will actually save you the most time - you won’t have to wait for weeks of upgrading TC after you get your SH to 20, both things will happen at the same time more or less. Of course you need to upgrade Iron storages at the same time, however you can still find the time to sneak a TC upgrade in between Iron storages/SH upgrade. That is if you have two builders of course. If you don’t, just level SH to 20 (use minimum required storage capacity), new (fourth) TC to 2, and start working on your TC 12 immediately, that is probably the fastest way to do it with 1 builder only. Oh yeah houses have to be upgraded to 8-7-7-6, that way you have enough recruits for the Legendary training. Food Storages at 12-12-12-11.

Contrary to what most people believe, TC 20 isn’t a training facility for 5*. It produces a steady supply of decent S1 4*. 5* are a rarity, occurring on average once every 40 days. And most of S1 5* are crappy, whereas most of S1 4* are very useful. So with that information it’s up to you to decide whether you want it or not, depending on your needs of heroes/feeders ofc.

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I fully agree, maybe was not clear that “between TC11 andd TC19” does not include the limits :wink:

Well, my experience is that by the time you manage to build TC20 (at least as f2p, meaning 1 builder) you already have all S1 4* from summons, some of them even costumed :wink:

Definitely not all, and definitely not in the quantities you need them. My experience shows you need dupes of several specific S1 4* which see play often even on the same team, not only in wars and such. However I believe that the fastest that anyone got to TC20 up and running with only 1 builder was around 4 months, abn that’s not enough game time to summon all the vanilla S1 4* you need as a f2p.

I’ve been playing since summer of last year, and I recently got to TC 20. I don’t have anywhere near all the S1 4 stars. I do have a few costumes and a couple dupes, but I’m missing probably half of the heroes. I just got a dupe Grimm from my TC20, so I’d say it was definitely worth it.

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Thanks for the reply. I like the idea of using the 4th camp as just a TC1/2 and then focusing on getting my TC12 to lv 20. Still struggle with the idea of the downtime from getting 12 to 20 without a 4th. 2 camps would suck lol

Since I won’t know what I’m missing with a 4th, maybe I’ll just get it to level 2 and fire it up, while working on getting TC12 to lv 20.

This. :point_up_2: Slight disagreement though, TC19 can be extremely useful for training feeders at warp speed, albeit at a steep food cost.

Personally, I leveled up all 3 TCs to TC11, and 1 to TC20, then alternated between leveling 2 others to TC20. So I essentially always had 2 available to train feeders. After that, I ran 2 TC20s, 1 TC11 and 1 TC2/11/19 (depending on needs and available mats). Since Soul Exchange was announced, I’ve been running 3 TC20s.

As you probably guessed, I don’t summon a lot, so this setup might not fit you at all. If you do, I’d just run TC2/11/19 if I were you.


I initially kept a TC at level 2, but quickly realized that I absolutely needed a TC11 to unload recruits if I wanted to use TC20 as a food bank. The more TC11s, the more flexibility. You can’t dump recruits in TC2, unless you have an unlimited supply of backpacks.

Thanks! I get you, but personally I could not find so much use for training only 1*, unless I try to max a 3*. And for 1* I was very satisfied with TC1, so I did not see the need for a TC19.

Hope you get enough dupes from TC20 to get what you want from the Soul Exchange

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Thank you! Crossing my fingers. :crossed_fingers:

And yes, I mostly used TC19 when I was in a rush to level up a 3* before a tourney or a challenge event. Occasionally to finish a 4* or a 5* before a war. I probably wouldn’t have leveled up a TC exclusively for TC19, but since I need TC20, I might as well use it when it’s beneficial.

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TC1/TC3 requires a large amount of recruits compared to TC19, and recruits are very important for a f2p because sooner or later that player will need large stored quantities of recruits when they start training heroes and troops in Hero Academy.

TC19 gives you more XP/recruit than TC2.

I never brought up TC3 and I don’t even remember what it offers.

In my initial answer to this thread I actually specified that it would be different for f2p than for p2p, so I am not contradicting you that some strategies would benefit more a f2p, while others a p2p.

Yes, TC19 requires less recruits, but needs more food. At this moment I don’t miss recruits, but I do miss food. Different players, different needs, different strategies.

Finally, I specified in my previous replies that I don’t really train 1* (I mainly use TC2 and TC11), so I am not sure what the debate is actually about…

See above


You absolutely do want to make all the forges you can. I currently run only one of them as a forge. The rest convert into useful stuff: barracks, alchemy lab, and to my great surprise, the Hero Academy. So I don’t need to use one of my precious four training camps as HA; or to put it another way, I have five training camps, only one of them is more expensive (and does troops). If you find yourself short of forges you can always switch one back, provided you have a spare builder.

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… or have I forgotten something important? It’s been a while…