Storing food in a training camp, what does it mean?

I have looked at a few posts and it still isn’t clear to me. For reference I am new and currently building my stronghold (SH) to level 11. My training camp (TC) is at level 7.

Does storing food in the TC just mean building heroes but not claiming them? I hear people having months worth of food stored in their TC’s ( that would be a lot of heroes).

Say you wait a few months then you collect surely the hero roster will be too small and you will lose some of the heroes?

What am I missing?

You need a trainingcamp on Level20 to di this efficiently: This training lasts 2 days, needs 100 recruits an 270k food. Now you build a queue of 19-15 trainings. Noew you can recall a trainibg thatchad not began, and get your food and recruits back. But be aware you have ti store all 100 recruits, if you can store only 99 all recruits and food are lost. You have got 270k food, now you take your recruits to a second Training camp and run lvl11 training, you need 1k food and 2 recruits, so you put your 100 recruits away and have 220k food left.


You’ll understand better once you get to TC20. The two days duration and high costs of food and recruits of a single training allows us to store unlimited quantities of food and recruits by queueing an ulimited number of trainings. Trainings can then be canceled for free at any time, recovering the food and recruits in the process, whenever they are needed.


Thank you guys. The fact you can cancel w/o penalty allows you to store food, is that right?


You can cancel before the training starts. If I put two trainings in the queue I can cancel the second one. If I cancel the firdt one all resources will be lost, so dont do this.

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Here is one I found video example how food management with TC, Forge, etc…

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Welcome to the fourm… Have a brouse at this…


Brilliant! Viewing material while I wait for some W/E.

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