Stones' colour distribution is NOT random - MASTER Board Conspiracy


I thought the same, until people explained the full ramifications.

Click for set up

It was a perfect storm of what makes F2P/ C2P angry ( after 3 years a lot of problems with Pay 2 Play are popping up ).


Lots of HotM needed to exploit the bug.

Beta is mostly players with a lot of HotM since you need deep rosters for testing so often spenders.

So NOT Beta players fault, but business model fault.

Remove RNG ( yes, this is actually on topic )

The RNG seed can be exploited most with multiple devices, or multiple SIM cards, so often spenders.

Initial board can be manipulated further by using raid energy flasks - which a lot of Beta players have a lot in inventory- amplifying the effect of multiple devices.

Literally the ability to take away RNG from initial boards. Once Devs know of this exploit, this also makes this incredibly easy to trace since rumors from Beta ban Beta client on more than one device/ SIM at a time but all above links to original accounts and Beta clones. Devs have stripped accounts of exploit gems, and heroes, in the past.

So NOT Beta players fault, but business model fault.

Click for consequences

Lost loot

The exploit was most harmful during Challenge events, and tournaments, content already heavily favoring spenders.

So it really came across as an exploit that required money to use.

So NOT Beta players fault, but business model fault.

Devs have stripped accounts of exploit gems, and heroes, in the past. But literally no way to restore lost loot to correct winners since tournament, and Challenge event, data most likely long gone.


Since very lean team, with lots of trade secrets, almost zero transparency.

So NOT Beta players fault, but business model fault.


So not a lot of trust built up.

Then the one thing Devs promised, initial boards are random, was proven wrong by @Rigs .

So NOT Beta players fault, but business model fault.


I think Devs did everything correct in Betagate. But like Telluria- Vela nerf, this was a problem building for 3 years.



5*+20 defense teams

[Stats, Curves] 5*+20, attack stat soft cap, general game design soft cap, hard cap and overwriting buffs [Math]