Stones' colour distribution is NOT random - MASTER Board Conspiracy

All the documented experiences and statistically sound arguments I’ve found and read in this forum have said yes to your question: Color Stacking Stats, Color Stacking and Raids, Color Stacking Fairness Project, Color Stacking: The Odds

I should mention that one of the players who made two of the above studies, has also documented a streak of bad boards here: Everybody Gets Bad Boards

I can relate to the frustration of :poop: boards, but everything I have seen from fellow players shows me there’s no rigging going on. Just RNG doing its thing.

You’re ultimately entitled to believe what you want to believe. I have read both sides of the argument though, and frankly not once have I seen anyone present any data or studies for why boards are not random.

But please keep your posts within the Forum Rules. I removed the statements that were name-calling groups of players and users.