Stones' colour distribution is NOT random - MASTER Board Conspiracy

I finally got around to doing some sort of test of Board Randomness… I am not in the position to dedicate the time needed to code something to watch the videos and count a few thousand tiles (the only real way to check), but what I did I think is a good second best.

I raided 35 teams with the same solid red team and recorded the results… Note that the first 11 raids were done with a Falcon that was at 4/40. Here is how I chose the teams that I raided.

  1. I revenged all that I could in my Tower.
  2. Then I took all rolls without re-rolling. If I lost I tried to re-fight, but sometimes I got distracted and moved on.

The team that I chose to take on this adventure is as follows:

I recorded the results from the 35 raid attacks and they are as follows:

A couple of interesting things:

  1. When I lost, the boards were bad, very bad (for teams consisting of red heroes). The two Guinevere losses in a row had a total of 9 red tiles matched between two raids. There were very very good boards (for an all red team), but most were so-so.
  2. While you weren’t there, I feel that this gives a reasonable approximation of randomness of boards. I lost 7 out of 35 raids with a monochrome team… 20%.
  3. Wilbur is a beast.
  4. No tank is immune to dying Guinevere won 30% of the time and Grave Won 33% (but this was based on number of red tiles and not thier inert skills).
  5. I am surprised I did not get a Vivica tank, she messes this team up more than another tank.
  6. In raids, there are not really good boards and bad boards. There are boards that are good for the heroes you brought to the fight and boards that are bad for the heroes you chose.

@Brobb, I know that this is not a statistically valid sample or even really looking at tile distributions, but I think it “proves”:

  1. Stones are reasonable random
  2. The Developers seem to be telling the truth
  3. At least for this run, my complaints of streakiness of the random number generator did not manifest themselves in tiles.
  4. There does not appear to be any code that looks at your team and modifies tiles to “get” you.

Alternatively the developers wrote special code to make my life better.