Squirrel Brigade. Come try us out =)

An up and coming alliance looking for some active players. Currently arming our nuts with bombs to fight 8/9* titans- looking to make the push up. Maybe adding some plutonium to make the nuts nuclear. 100k alliance score but is increasing as any alliance is. Check out our roster at Squirrel Brigade. Add me to Line if you like: boobleferry. Happy Looking =D

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We have a solid core, reasonable expectations, and an enforcer who keeps the dead weight out. We crush wars (I don’t know that we’ve lost more than a handful) but they aren’t the end all be all of the alliance. A great mix of old farts like me and young up and comers.

One Spot open. An all adult alliance. Fun. Friendly. Very active.

We now have 2 spots open. Great, friendly alliance. You won’t be disappointed =)

Roll up, Roll up. 1 spot.

Sadly one player is leaving. Come try us out. Great bunch =)

We have top players and newbies alike, come learn and grow with us!


One spot open! Heading towards 9* streaks. One more player could help tip that over!

Hi @Aslan-SB, looks like we’re matched up for War. :muscle:

Let us know if your alliance would like to start a friendly War banter Line group to share pleasantries, videos, and screenshots with Guardians Reborn.

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I think that @sleeperZ96BT is the more recently active on the forum, Kayo

Said JB, being incredibly nosey

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You’ve got some nerve showing your face around here… :face_with_monocle:

I woke up, you were gone, and there was a Half-eaten chocolate swan on the pillow next to me.

Did you at least get Rings?

@sleeperZ96BT, find me on Line, Kayo2527

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I got a balloon, a pencil and a slice of birthday cake.

But it was a hell of a party.

And I hit my highest ever war score for Guardians, so I feel like I earned half a chocolate swan :duck::chocolate_bar:.

I appreciate they do struggle an awful lot when you dip them in the chocolate.

Btw, with your old recruitment thread, you could request that @littleKAF delist the thread. Then it doesn’t come back on searches etc.

And Misfits are just 1k points behind you in war score, so hopefully we’ll see you on the field again soon :crossed_swords:

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If delisted I’d have nothing but my own memory to share with my kin.

You were due for that War score, leading us as head of the alliance.

We’ll see you on the battlefield, friend.

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