Springvale Emoji Extravaganza 2 šŸŽ‰

Ok. So far I have tried the piratical :pirate_flag: approach to grabbing one of these extravaganza emojis ā€¦ and failed miserably.

No new navigational tools have been bestowed (charts, crescent moons or telescopes), and no food to supplement my weevil-riddled rations (chocolate).

So this time Iā€™m taking a Puffin based approach and respectfully asking if I may have an egg :egg:.

Puffins lay only a single egg, in late April or early May, so the timing is good. Myself annd Mrs. Puffin will incubate it for 36-45 days, and we will share the feeding duties until the chick is ready to fledge. The fledging period is very variable, ranging from 34 to 60 days, depending on where we are and the year.

Thank-you :pray:

Eventually my :egg: will becoming a Puffling ā€¦

How could you refuse, discobot?