Spots are filling up in Praetorian Guardians

In Ancient Rome, the Praetorian Guards were the elite soldiers who protected the Emperor. Their prowess in battle was known far and wide.

9 weeks ago, the Guardians Family formed Praetorian Guardians. The idea was that elite players seeking a more active alliance would band together a build a new kind of alliance. A place where players could learn from each other and rediscover their love for the game.

We have come a long way from only two members to 26 in this short time. Like the Praetorian Guards, we are showing are prowess in battle, going 16-3 in wars.

There are only 4 spots left. If you think you are up to the challenge, contact us on Line at dulok33 or Discord at troymartin3303.

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Shoutout to Combonator. His YouTube channel is very informative and helpful!


Two spots left!

We won the last war, making us 17-3 in our first 10 weeks.

Contact in Line at dulok33 or Discord at troymartin3303

Great progress! Best of luck with the remaining spots—sounds like a solid, active alliance!

Thank you for the kind words.

Now 18-3 in wars.

We are ranked #208 and about to crack the Top 200.

One spot left. Contact on Line at dulok33 or Discord at troymartin3303