Spent too much got too little

Ah, that you play poker pops things into perspective. Poker is a game of skill, primarily. Sure, cards can take a turn on you, but it’s mostly skill. You are, in effect, betting on yourself, and you can choose not to spend when you don’t like 5e situation.

There aren’t professional roulette players, though. Roulette is pure chance, no skill, and the odds favor the House. Short of cheating, being clairvoyant or telekinetic, the longer you play, the more you expect to spend.

Drawing heroes here is like roulette, not poker.

BTW, I’m not defending the system, but trying to help clarify how probabilities work. Too many players seem to think that 100 pulls should guarantee a 5* with a side of HotM. But that’s not how probabilities work. Each roll is independent. Do more pulls, and you have more opportunities to get lucky, that’s all.

I too wish that there weren’t so many layers of RNG in this game. Atlantis coins are great—grinders can be sure of getting a summons or three. Compare that to epic hero tokens, where you first have a low-odds roll of winning one, then a low-odds roll of it being any good.

Why not introduce coins for use with event summons?

What are others’ ideas on ways of reducing RNG dependence and rewarding grinders?


Being a pro poker player should, of course, go along with a good understanding of probabilities. However probability in a closed system like a deck of cards works very differently than one with unlimited cards. With playing cards, the odds of pulling that 10 of diamonds does in fact increase after an unsuccessful pull. After 52 pulls, you have 100% likelihood that that 10 of diamonds will have popped up. That doesn’t happen in systems like E&P.


Great point, which is why they have huge shoes at blackjack tables to reduce that effect. E&P has an infinite shoe.


This us not the first time that i see comments complaining about bad luck… Your math is good but your logic is flaw. I am no expert but i will explain it as it was explained to me… Many months ago… When we still didnt know what wad the percentage of the chance you got ib every pull. You have 1.3% chance… IN EVERY PULL… is not accumulative… Meaning if you do 2 pulls… You DO NOT have 2,6 % you still have the same 1,3%. Every pull hav to be treated differently. Now… SG give this chance to everyone… NEVER WAS PROMISED that if you spend a wagon full of monry that odds will change. I did not spent too much… And i got my fair share… But i know peeps thst got alby on a sungle pull and i have this friend that even got ares and alby ob the same 10 pull.

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Houses tend to cost what people with jobs can afford.

So imagine you could only afford a $1500 USD house because your job doesn’t pay you more or worse, because you couldn’t get a job. Whoa about -that-.

I have quit multiple games when they progress to the excessive greed phase. I am relatively new to this game and have spent a couple hundred dollars and have 4 5 stars now. The issue that is upsetting me now is the titan chest lack of ascension materials. This is a nice game, hope the developers don’t screw it up like they seem to do to the other app games. We’ll see…


I’ve been angry at spending too much on this game and coming off frustrated! That was $40 and I’m maybe at $180 total.

I’m ok with that for a game I’ve played every day for six months.

Entire thread is wow!

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Unless SGG decides to add an additional feature that would guarantee to make them richer.

Add a 100x pull feature and guarantee a HoTM if they do it. 10x pulls will still remain the same.

At least you don’t get a random 5* when you do random pulls and requires 26000 gems to do it.
Pay more suckers! (But at least you are guaranteed with a certain return)

Might work don’t you think and will shut some players up about the randomness I see everyday in the forums. :joy:

i agree whit you! 1,3% of probability is ridiculous , the gems price is insane!!

They are hoping that people that have a bad gambling addiction play the game because it works people spend loads of money and get a lousy game.
. Only one thing works stop spending money

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They already have. Wait till you get about 15 five stars but u can’t even get the mats to ascend them they’re just sitting there doing nothing…

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