Special skill NEVER increases, although my 4* hero is almost maxed!

I went to find the screenshot that showed a 3 and a 4 that had only had ascencion special skill upgrades and found another record a lvl 1/23 Isarnia with special skills maxed. :slightly_smiling_face:

Here you go (heā€™s not at 4-70, though, since I only use his costume and have other emblemed Rigards):

I have 46x3* max, and probably 10 of those are at 4, 5 or 6 for their special. But I am ignoring that until I have no 4* or 5* to work on that is a priority.
I only have 10 or 11 roster spaces free, so i am not going to mess around trying to save and feed them to 3* to try and get their specials up to max.

Too many times I have fed to a hero with the possibility being 80 - 90% and it still hasnā€™t done it, and I have done that 4 or 5 times in a row and still nothing. So, I have learned to take it to 100% regardless lol.

Thank you your responses. My conclusion is that the probability to level up a hero is not what is said but much lower. This is why I created a support ticket because this is not normal.

As a comparison, this is the same probability as a complete board with one colour missingā€¦ And no further tile of that same missing colour for 13 turns (38 tiles) ā€¦

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