Special powers of the diminishing heroes

conducting an investigation on the game data. to be able to extract the greatest amount of real data about its operation.

I found a problem in the power of the heroes.
On the one hand we have heroes that its power is: 200% damage and that for example it has a 650 attack then we can say that the hero will more or less have a stroke of 1200 or so taking into account that some enemies have defenses, bufferts and we also take into account the damage by color.
up here everything perfect
(This sum helps me to make a calculation of each of the heroes to then be able to finish a project where the results are formed in a guide with real numbers, of each function of the heroes, some of the heroes their powers of damage are not they express in% if not in points of damage there the need to arrive at a formula to calculate how much that 200% of damage is actually generated depending on the level of each hero or how we have fed it)

good and here is the problem
when I am going to carry out the tests of the formulas made to verify that the numbers I have arrived are real or as accurate as possible.
I draw a hero’s account red according to my calculations hit with a power of say 900. I go to the map I do a level hit a hero blue in the second phase and gives a result of 903 then in the third phase I make a new hit against the same enemy and the result is 897. the same goes for other heroes.
I ask several people to prove this to which everyone tells me that the result varies with each hit, the first is not that the second and so on

I make an assault I make sure to take hero that only hit that do not perform another action to avoid influencing the result

and the same goes for both a yellow and violet hero in the same assault hitting the north mother vary the result of power.
in each one of the blows I made sure that both my heroes and those of the enemy did not have a buffer of any kind or anything that could raise or lower the defense
I attack with domitia and deals damage of 363
then with chao and generates a damage of 332
ensuring that nothing affects the defense and other

second round of attacks I reload powers
I attack with domitia and deals damage of 362
then with chao and generates a damage of 351

I know that the difference is not much, but I do not understand why the level of life of the hero does not have to affect the special power because it is the same as having 1 life point or the complete bar.

so what is the issue if you could help me already thank you
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arg ratabboy network of alliances

There is a random component in damage calculation formula. You will find this thread very informative:


I thank you for the answer and after reading the post, it does not clarify anything if it talks about damage in a decreasing way on the chips of the board and of pieces when the defense varies but if it does not deal with the subject that I ask

I’m not sure if I understand your post then.

In the formula as you can see, the pointed factor is random (between 0.606 and 1.649). It applies to tile damage and special skills.
So every attack you do will potentially differ from others by certain %. Sometimes will be increased by a little, sometimes will decrease.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Entonces no estoy seguro de entender lo que posteas.

Como puedes ver en la fórmula, el factor indicado es aleatorio (entre 0.606 y 1.649). Aplica tanto para el daño de las fichas como para los poderes especiales.
Entonces cada ataque que hagas será diferente en cierto porcentaje. A veces será un poco mayor, a veces un poco menor.


hum look at example
I have Marjana.
she has an attack of 539

and its special power causes 458% damage

according to my calculations when firing the power a hero of blue color that has 390 of life and generates a damage 1326 return to shoot the same enemy with 390 of life and generates a damage of 1306

Damage is based on the ratio of Attack ability of the attacker to the Defense ability of the defender. Life (health) has nothing to do with the amount of damage done.

The amount of damage changes every round because there is a random component to the damage, as @DotCom has explained.

Think about it like adding 4 and 5, and then rolling a 6-sided die and adding the result to the total.

4+5 always equals 9. But the total sum would be different for every die roll.

Sometimes you’d get 9+1=10
Sometimes you’d get 9+5=14
Sometimes you’d get 9+3=12

The result would vary between 10 (9+1) and 15 (9+6)

The random factor in the damage equation can produce both positive and negative changes. The damage varies both up and down from the average.


I understand what it raises. but in my experience is not what I see again I repeat the attack to a hero so much my hero as the enemy has 100% of life and no type of effect made an attack throws me a result. Now in the next opportunity the enemy is cured and I heal my heroes we return to the same place my hero and the enemy to 100% of life without any type of effect and the result of the attack is not the same according to what you explain to me of the variations of life and defense if the conditions at the beginning of the game would be equal the number of damage with special attack should be repeated and it does not happen I just bought it back
imagine that I have a die and I throw the number 5 I could go back in time and re-roll that die should come back the same number well that is not happening as it may be that in the same level against the same enemy with the same life the same color with my same hero charge the mana without moving a chip of the board and gives me a result I go back to enter the level in the first same situation same situation I select the same enemy from before and I assure you have the same amount of life I charge the mana without moving a file and the result is different which is the variant that I am not taking into account or not seeing it

from now I appreciate the time taken to answer and read my messages. As you can see, I am a little hardheaded. I love the game and when I see something that I do not understand I want to try to understand how it works. From already thank you very much

Every time you roll a die is a new random result. If you go back in time and roll a die again, you will get a whole new chance, not a repeat of the old chance. If you get the same number again on the die, that is purely luck.

You can either accept the work already done figuring this out in another thread , which by the way I saw somewhere a member of SG confirm that while that formula is not 100% correct…it is close enough to the real formula to produce reasonable results, or try and do it all over again and gather the data yourself.

I find that the formula already provided is close enough for anything I am trying to figure out.

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ok thanks very much for real