Hi guys.Till now i have maxed + emblems Agwe and Kiril.Now I am wondering which of both - Sonya or Grimm to ascend if i have: Maxed + emblems - Wilbur,Caedmon and Kunchen-3/70
With Grimm i will get very good tile damage , but i have enough “Def down” heroes and it will be good to have second dispeler (for example when i can’t use Caedmon).
I have a second question - I have Rigard,Ameon,Kunchen and Quintus.There is no point to ascend Rigard , because i have Kunchen which i will ascend very soon.But do i have to ascend Ameona or wait for some good dark hero.My other option is to Ascend Quintus + Rigard , but i am not sure i have to spend my tabards for Quintus instead of Kunchen?
Sonya or Grimm is tough because both are solid, core 4*
Both will be useful in many situations, Grimm more so for titans.
Sonya recently completed my mono blue team and has proved very useful. A couple of emblems have improved her slightly low attack stat.
So. Difficult one. Lol.
Rigard is always worth ascending, even with Kunchen. Great for war teams, epic events, 4* tournaments and purple stacks.
Kunchen looks like he’s really making waves as a decent tank in diamond and is considerably more valuable than Quintus.
And a note on Amoena… which I also spell wrong…a little useful on titans but difficult to justify a place usually. Search the forum and there’re a lot of detailed discussions about her.
if you have enough defense reduction, go for Sonya. More than 1 dispeller is useful for example in AW.
But I disagree on something. Rigard is worth it to ascend, and I have even seen recently people with 2 Rigards (I haven’t seen too much classic heroes who are worth it to ascend 2 of them).
And pardon me, but I must ask: Emblems on Agwe? how has that been?
Personally at your point in development, I’d elevate Rigard and take Kunch to 3/70; save the rare mats for a to purple striker like Sartana. Rigard being average speed makes him really close in value to Kunchen. Unless you’re building a war defence around Kunch, which is viable as well.
I’m partial to Grimm (you can see mine above) but only just. Sonya is great too with emblems - I just think those Paladin emblems work better on a lot of 5stars and Grimm has less competition for emblems.
not all that useful, but kinda a fun hero to play with.
Agwe… you’re going to want to buy back those emblems eventually.
Thanks guys - i will ascend Rigard but Kunchen too, because i want him as a center in my def team.Halifax you are right about the paladin emblems , so maybe i will go with Grimm. Agwe is great hero actually (with mana troop and combo with other Atlantic heroes), but if i max out Kunchen i will use the emblem reset button i have and i will transfer my emblems.
P.S. I have just get Lianna and i will max out her with my rugged clothes