Something new to implement to the game as a alliance group to participate in

I know war and titans is a group alliance participation event but I would like to see something different other than these events.
Something like similar to challenge events where we work together as defeating the weekly alliance challenge events to earn rewards. ( example… Atlantis coins, ascending items as so forth)
Most of us have already completed the Atlantic season 1 and 2 and looking forward to future events in acquiring different aspects of items and fun .

I would have agree. Between the daily raids, titan and twice a week war events and some quest that only happen during a period of the month. Something else needs to perk the players interest as a team.
Players are losing interest and I think another team event as an alliance would perk interest in the game.
As the result of the disaster of the implementation of alchemy lab distribution items to what players expected to experience of the outcome of the items produce by crafting valuable or usable items. Rather than getting the unexpected and no re ioes on what they could produce useful to them.

You should read the forum before opening such threads, especially the updates category. They already said such features will be implemented → Start of the Most Epic Empires Decade Yet - 2020 Sneak Peek!

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As the acting alliance leader while “The Boss” is very sick and battling a long term illness, I try to do monthly or at least bi monthly, have a contest that they post results to either of our social media sites (Facebook or Discord) Still just small prizes ($10, $20 Google play or Amazon, etc to help build unity and get more alliance members to join our sites. But it helps with the stagnation. Hopefully after these holidays and paying some taxes, joy joy, lol. Maybe I can afford to start making better rewards or I’ve been thinking maybe every quarter year and up it to a hundred dollars or so.

Сделайте что можно торговать редкими предметами между игроками в альянсе или магазином империи пазлов продавать не нужные 3* 4* предметы за кристаллы и покупать другие предметы такого же ранга будет намного проще вам и нам, вы будете зарабатывать на донатах от игроков что бы они могли развивать своих 4* -5* звезд персонажей. На мой взгляд это было бы круто если у тебя есть допустим 14 магических шаров которые тебе не нужны и обменять их на скрытые клинки, или вовсе продать и купить тот материал который тебе нужен. Например 1 предмет 3* звезды стоит 300 кристаллов а 4* сделайте 500 кристаллов, как по мне это будет выгодно. А продавать в лавку это все на 10% дешевле и будет все замечательно

Translation - Google Translate
Make it possible to trade rare items between players in an alliance or an empire puzzle store selling unnecessary 3 * 4 * items for crystals and buying other items of the same rank will be much easier for you and us, you will earn on donations from players so that they can develop their 4 * -5 * character stars. In my opinion, it would be cool if you have 14 magic balls that you don’t need and exchange them for hidden blades, or even sell and buy the material you need. For example, 1 item 3 * stars costs 300 crystals and 4 * make 500 crystals, as for me it will be beneficial. And to sell in a shop is all 10% cheaper and everything will be wonderful

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Oh and welcome to the forum @Replikator

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