Something a little more certain for your spend - shards?

I’m intentionally bumping this old thread to revive discussion.

In another thread (complaining about low 5* drop rates) part of my reply included an extension of the idea that was started in this thread. Here it is for further discussion:

Instead of rare mats dropping outright, you collect fragments of specific mats, e.g. a Mystic Ring fragment. These trickle in much more often than a Mystic Ring. Accumulate, say, 20 shards and then you can forge them into a Mystic Ring. This approach reduces variance and creates tangible progress much more often. If every Titan dropped at least one rare mat shard, you’d never say “got nothing from the Titan”. Or you might get lucky and get five telescope shards.

This approach could also be applied to heroes. Collect 10 Sartana shards, you get a guaranteed Sartana summons. These shards could be regular loot, but they could also be given (with some odds) when you summon a 3* from the epic portal. Again, reduce randomness and frustration of getting ten 3* heroes from a 10x summons.