[SOLVED] Winifred’s passive benefits enemies

Winifred’s passive is actually a negative. It reduces the effects of defense ailment on the enemies. So she actually helps your opponent.

Here are two pics one where passive not active because she is dead and one it is active and she is alive. Both against same opponent.


What about your own heroes if they get a defense down ailment?
Maybe SGG broke it before release.
During beta, the bard’s passives read “The effect applies to all Heroes in the battle.” instead of “all enemies” so that was like a double-edged sword.
And that might be still the case, maybe they just broken the description…

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Yes, this version of the passive was never tested in Beta, and if what is mentioned in OP is true, then this is a clear bug.

I have asked Staff to check this out.


Or it’s an actual design choice to counter/be a double-edged sword with the bard family bonus, which might be really OP in some situations. But better be safe than sorry, I think it’s sane to ask for clarification from the staff.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We will look into this here and update the topic once we know more.


I am eager to see the outcome here.


Still wondering what has happened

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any update on this?
it doesn’t look right and should only cut the enemies positive defense buffs and leave negative defense aliments alone

No point in re-asking the question. The staff is looking into it. We probably won’t hear anything unless it is fixed in an update

some reported bugs get forgotten till they get bumped again. it has been more than a week without an update which isn’t normal for completely new mechanic

getting an answer on this simple case question shouldn’t this long normally

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I thought it was meant to reduce the effect of defence ailmemt “cast by enemies” on us

New update out, they did not fix the bug. Disappointing for a new 5* event hero to have such a severe bug and not fixed immediately

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Should be a simple fix change to “Ability: Defense Ailment Reduction - Reduces the effect of defense ailments by -50%. The effect applies to all allies in the battle.”

Any news on this? I will soon be ascending a green so would like to know if Winnie is going to change or not.

They rarely give any news until the fix is actually released in a new version sadly. But maybe @Petri can share an update on this issue?

Maybe we will see it in the Beta release notes on September 5th.

Indeed, it also sometimes show up in beta before the live release. But more often than not, we have no news about known issues until the fix get released to a live version.

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Any updates on this topic?

@PlayForFun do they put this stuff in beta or does it just appear as a balance/fix on a new release?

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Fixes sometimes show up in beta and actually, the current beta build has a bunch of fixes but there seems to be no fix to this issue:

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