[Solved - V33 Update] Reflect buffs can only be bypassed by Ranger Talent, Ninja troops, etc. IF there's another defensive buff casted on top of it

@KiraSG Its ok that rangers and bypass ability dont work against reflect. Mitsuko main strengh is countering those annoying blue AOE users. Yesterday was Vela and nowadays it seems that Cobalt is the choosen one. Please release a fix clarifying this

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I think the order of effects is not the reason here. I believe it’s how @Guvnor stated above.

The defensive buffs are categorized as counterattacks and defense buffs (gets +% defense) so reflect isn’t one. At least this is what has been said above.

So the reason why the buffs in the second picture was bypassed. The defense buff let cobalt bypass all the buffs.

But i’m afraid it’s an even more stupid mechanic now. He should either bypass only the defense buff and still get reflected or he should be able to bypass reflect since it makes sense to categorize reflect as a defensive buff.

No, I tested multiple times.
Every time Mitsuko’s effect was at the front of the stack it was 100% effective.
Every time it was not at the front it was 0% effective.
I got at least 30 data points on each test (which was a massive challenge with my level 1 cobalt).

There were 0 times when it was reflected on some heroes and bypassed on other heroes with the same buffs.

А связь стихии при нападении на кобальта, допустим анзох и Мицуко,у анзоха связь стихии на защиту от Синих если анзоха первым активировать а после мицуку ниндзя обойдет получается?

And the connection of the elements during an attack on cobalt, for example, anzokh and Mitsuko, for anzokh, the connection of the elements for protection from the Blues if the anzokh is the first to activate and after Mitsuku the ninja will get around it?

This is not true, alasie and Finley regularly bypass mitsuko

Damn I just tried 15 battles against Athena alasie or Finley and never got a reflect bypass…

Ah yes just got one

Taken minutes ago
Alasie bypassing Mitsuko’s buff

@Rigs for info


But here is a 50% bypass and 50% reflect instance, and their order of effects are the same. Or am i missing something here?

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Based on how the buffs were placed on the heroes, the player probably triggered the heroes in this order:

  1. Grazul
  2. Gravemaker
  3. Zimkitha
  4. Mitsuko
  5. Tyr

Gravemaker’s elemental link gives +5% attack and +5% defense to red heroes, in your video Alasie bypassed the first defensive buff (GM’s elemental link). If Mitsuko would have been triggered before Gravemaker, Alasie wouldn’t have bypassed (credits to @Guvnor and @Deathjester)

Looks like mitsuko was the last to fire in that battle, doesn’t it @Max_paris?


Examples from PvP aside, please also note that NPC ninjas in the tower bypassed my Mitsuko reflect regularly.

Yep I fired her just before taking the vid

It would be interesting to see if the order of defensive buffs works for the other elemental reflect. For example, put Clarissa (her elemental link is a defensive buff) or Aeron and Ursena in the same team against a team that has a holy ranger with 15 or more nodes (try it with Neith). Trigger Clarissa first and Ursena afterwards and then Ursena first and Clarissa second.
Can someone please try it and post a video/ images with the result (if Neith bypasses)?

Joon and Khiona only have a single defensive buff (Mitsuko) where as Magni and Mitsuko have defence up from Magni then Mitsuko’s buff which allows the buffs to be bypassed.


Первым бафф Мицуки,но как видете ниндзя пробил 3 героя

The chance to bypass is individual for every target.

The only way to properly test this is what I presume @Deathjester did — charge Cobalt to 3x for the 100% bypass against a Mitsuko with different buff ordering.

Translated: " The first buff is Mitsuko, but as you can see, the ninja pierced 3 heroes"

If I see the image correctly, the order in which you fired your heroes is:

  1. Grazul
  2. Zimkitha
  3. Anzogh
  4. Jean Francois
  5. Mitsuko

Anzogh’s elemental link counts as a defensive buff, Cobalt bypassed it (at 100% chance). Finley couldn’t bypass it

@Deathjester this still looks like it’s holding with the hypothesis I outlined above:

Especially given the fact that in the example that @Ebonest shared, the buff order is identical on those which were bypased and those which were not, all times the “reflect shield” is at the end of the buffs in place but half were bypassed but half were not.

Looking at the examples you shared:

Here there is only 1 other “buff” on the heroes which is the damage share. This could easily be categorised as an “offense” driven buff (I personally don’t agree but it is possible). Thus no “defence” driven buff to trigger the processing of the “bypass” ability & hence everything is reflected

In this example there is only 1 other buff in play which is Vivica’s Defence boost. This is, like magni’s ability, a defence buff & hence triggers the processing of the “bypass” part of Cobalt’s skill & hence skips through the shields also.

In this example shared by @Max_paris there are three elemental link’s in play, the attack buff from Zimkitha is unlikely to be considered “defensive”; one or all of the elemental links (most likely Gravemakers as it has a defence stat boost, like Magni & Vivica) causes the processing of the “bypass” ability & hence bypasses the shields put up by Mitsuko.

In this example shown by @M-r we can see a large number of buffs on his heroes including JF’s ice protection buff, elemental links, ailment protection & the inversion of defence down (from JF).

Of these, pretty well any could be classified as a “defensive buff” & hence have caused the processing of the “bypass” part of Cobalt’s skill. At 100% chance it then bypasses everything on his heroes dealing stupid big amounts of damage (thanks BK…).

In the case of finley, as his chance isn’t 100%, it is likely that he did trigger the processing of the “Bypass” talent but it simply resulted in a fail outcome… and reflected all that damage back at him.

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Два героя в сумме ударили 10 к урона по вашему это нормально :smile:

Two heroes in total hit 10 to your damage, this is normal :smile:

Somewhat off-topic but pertains to an example here. What is going on with the damage to Zimkitha and Grazul? I don’t see any debuffs - snipped image with clearest view and seems the same buffs in images with Cobalt firing. My understanding is specials cannot crit, and not thinking of what else could be causing such a range in damage.
