[SOLVED - V 35.1] Muggy's skill doesn't work properly, heroes revive

Happened to me too vs Muggy. Hero reborn as themselves not a chameleon.

Just experienced this, too…jahangir & muggy both revived as themselves, not chameleon. I believe they returned with Heath they had as they died - wasn’t watching for it, so not sure.


During the tournament i was fighting some muggie and his ability was reviving the fallen heroes as regular heroes instead of frogs

Видео записал куда скинуть???

Happened to me too. Both times I faced a muggy in defense. My only two losses. Heroes came back as themselves with 30-50% health and still had the black chameleon buff still active.

Happened to me twice today in tourney

Muggy enjoyed Christmas and became Muggy North.

Muggy is evolving…

Let vote for his name

Thats true, muggy is buggy, lost in tournament aswell, grevle got the muggy buff, dies, but revived as grevle again, with all his skills, temporarly healthpoints after extra tiles on him… This tournament is lost!! =((

Just happened to me. Muggy revived the enemy hawk moon as normal with normal skill. She then healed the team 2 times so I lost.
Do we get any compensation since we lose because the game is buggy? Not our fault the game devs can’t seem to fix this. Was reported 13 days ago and still an issue.

Just a funny post with idea from @Raiju02

This hero

From this quote,

What should this hero name be ?

  • Buggy
  • Muggy
0 voters

And SGG be all like
¯\ _ (ツ) _ /¯


Just lost a tournament hit because of this…

How come you still haven’t fixed this? Seriously?

Like the Lady Loki bug which is still there and you are just too focused on getting more money instead of fixing your game…

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Удар на турнире потерян из-за этого бага. Требую компенсацию в виде Могильщика!Скриншот 2021-02-16 12.11.47

Confirming this, as well. Just lost in raid tourney from this bug.

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@EmpiresPuzzles @GuardianConstructs

Any update on this one?


Hi guys, the issue still open, but only occurs when the muggy icon of the revived hero disappears…

Unfortunately, me too.
It was the first tournament match of Monday (I don’t know it can be helpful)

I only have screenshooted the table after the disaster


Let me throw on the pile. Lost a RT match because muggy’s revive caused fallen ally to be revived with 60% health, not change into a bruiser brother, and retain their original special ability.