[SOLVED] Possibility to replay Morlovia and reearn the rewards

:ok_hand: Nailed it :wink: I was starting to think that I was the unluckiest e&p player…


It was stated before, u can go to select heroes screen, but when u click play actuall lvl you get disconnect and error.

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Actually I think that SGG, should check their data analyst specialists and see if those that took advantage of this exploit actually unbalanced things. If not, instead of “punish them” actually make this available to all. 4* itens (troops?) should be more available anyway…

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I followed up with staff and apparently the fix is server side. So the system now checks if you’ve played the stage before starting it.

So essentially you can get to the “choose team” screen again for a completed stage but then when you go to play the stage, it results in an automatic disconnect & error message.

And no, before anyone asks I don’t know if there will be a public address / explanation of discipline or whatever. Historically I believe that SGG simply did the discipline then information circulated thru the community via other means (line, discord etc…)



This morning a person told us that this morning it was still working

you can enter levels to repeat …

After edit: thx, all clear now Guvnor.


Yeah it ll dc-ed if you continue after start , how the punishment will be ? if negative gem applied , will SGG take back hero they got from Summon ? i saw some1 with 6 Vanda by abused EHT , did 100-150x pull.


For the EHT:

Negative gem balance is entirely fair! Take away 300 gems per stolen token and even though they have done many pulls, paying the gems back after is similar to if they would have purchased the gems and done the pulls anyway so all ends up the same and it’s something that is available to anyone who wants to spend the money. So I feel okay about this as an honest player assuming that is what happened as I’m not disadvantaged, people have got more but they could have done so anyway by just spending more money.

For the mats:

Much much more complicated. Many spenders would be very happy to spend 30 for a time limited resource like tabards. The limited nature of them keeps the game in balance… if they haven’t been used then they need to be taken away, if they have used them it’s even more complicated, I feel a very high gem amount is required in this instance or some other methods to ensure balance (think of those packs in the shop that are 300 gems for a 1.3 percent chance or something like that. I can’t remember the exact percentage but if it was 1.3% That values the mat at c. 23k gems, and they are limited to how many you can buy!). I really don’t know how this should be handled…

I’ve said it before but a statement to reassure honest players that issues like this are dealt with fairly to all would be very appreciated by the community. As someone who spends money each month on this game it would be good to be reassured that others are not gaining unfair advantage, however as stated above it seems like it’s unlikely we’ll hear anything official so I’ll have to just trust they will do the right thing :+1:


The main issue here is all the extra tabards. Lets look at the options:

  1. Unused - this is simple and the tabs are removed from inventory, problem solved.
  2. Used - This is going to be a huge headache because there is no monetary/ gem value attached to the 4* mat in game.
  • If say we assign 1 x 4* Mat + gems = $9.99 (which is one of the offers coming up in Morlovia) then from the shop conversion this is 850 gems. This is a huge problem because many P2P players would happily spend 850 gems/ $9.99 for a 4* Mat. Personally if SG offered unlimited (or a large amount) of 4* mats for sale in the shop, many P2P players would happily grab them. The limitation to the number of 4* mats is what keeps the eco-system in check and prevent P2P players from getting out way ahead.
  • They could do a rollback on those who have exploited the bug and unascend heroes? But that opens another can of worms. If they unascend heroes then what about the Velas and Tellurais that got nerfed that players wish they could unascend?
  • They could ban those accounts outright. But is this punishment fair for what is inherently SG’s own fault?

This is really a rock and a hard place for SG and I doubt there will be a satisfactory outcome for all parties.


Can someone explain briefly what the bug/cheat/exploit was? From what I’m reading, it wasn’t as simple as the stage becoming “unplayed” after you finish it (so players could do it by accident). It required some extra steps and couldn’t be done by accident.
If that’s the case players who cheated should be banned. And for those defending the cheaters - are you kidding me? It’s like saying that because someone forgot to lock the door to their store you can rob it because it was their fault and “poining out a mistake and exploiting it shouldn’t be punished”.


The main issue is not extra tabbards… it is people knowingly cheated. Knowingly cheating is wrong, and cheaters should be banned… simple, no?


Try $29.99, which is the price for the “choose your own ascension material” offer. That’s the cheapest one I’ve seen with 4* mats.

Sorry, but exploiting a bug is expressly prohibited in the game T&C. I think if someone tried it once, to see if worked, that’s one thing. But if someone did it again and again to get a buttload of tabards, they deserve to be banned.


Because it is so hard, that’s why I imagine the ban hammer is out, but I know a few peeps who did this in a minor way, and it was just a case of temptation and others are taking advantage, why shouldn’t I sort of thinking. It wouldn’t have happened if SG checked the code before releasing it properly. Version control. So that is why I said what I said earlier. Take back what they can. Award everyone else freebies based on average taken. It punishes those tempted, rewards those that resisted and/Or disadvantaged and acknowledges SG’s own culpability

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yeah too complicated , also how about Trainer *4 , Emblem ? imo just whack and ban them all , problem solved

Essentially you couldn’t “accidentally” do it… You have to tap really quickly in a specific spot while tapping somewhere else on the screen at the same time…

Not something that could be “accidentally” done but had to be wilfully done…

There are videos floating around of it. I don’t think it’s appropriate to share them, even if the bug has been fixed, but they’re there if you search for them.


There are lots of legal precedents around baiting people to steal, lots of studies about how many people will steal depending on all sorts of factors, and at the end of the day, this situation would not exist if SG did either proper version control or better feature testing. It’s a bit like credit card companies. They could stop credit card fraud tomorrow, but the cost out weighs the benefits, cheaper just to pay for the fraud. So if the testing cost is too high for SG, pay off the punters for their lack of attention to detail or quality control

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So, some people knew the bug was around for few seasons, and instead of letting the staff/community know about it, they just deliberately stayed silent and gained unfair advantage thinking they tricked everyone, and now I shall be sorry for their accounts being closed?

And how come people blame SG for that? The neighbour shouldn’t leave his wallet in your house, that doesn’t mean you should take his money from it and stay silent about it. The wrongdoing here is so obvious I don’t get anyone feels innocent about exploiting it. The biggest mercy would be let them choose - either we take away your summons and move corresponding amount of ascended heroes back to 3.70 or negative gem balance to settle within 30 days. Else ban.

Sick of even thinking I may have lost wars, events and raid flags to douches because they abused this.


Also in regard to the tabards that is something that only materially helps big spenders (i don’t have any heroes worth using my 14 tabards so how would 50 more help me) so if they ban 100 big spenders how will that effect the bottom line?

Sorry, but it was possible to get in this event without knowledge or the idea to cheat. It was enough to tab 2 buttons, if this happened quick enough than you can chose the level.

So it is not so easy to say: it was the players mistake.

If they called this bug an Easter egg then it would be fair game - I would be interested in the numbers (how many players are they going to ban if that is the option they take) cause after all the other issues that have happened lately this could be another nail in the coffin

Regardless of used or unused: you can claim it’s SG’s fault for not knowing about the issue, but these things happen all the time.
In multiple online games there are bugs and issues which allow players to do things they would not ordinarily be allowed to do.
Some of those things are within the rules, but full exploitation of a bug is a choice, and making a choice to breach the TOS should be a ban.
No “what if”, no “but”, banned.
I’ve seen massive waves of people banned in World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Planetarium and other online multiplayer games for exploiting bugs to give them an advantage.

Allowing players who already have massive bankrolls to basically just pay for a bunch of tabards is ridiculous, and if this is an option should be opened up to the wider community.

Working on 1000 gems / tabard I could easily have exploited this 12 times to ascend 2 heroes.
Then covered pretty much the entirety of the 12000 gems with the $99 deal and the $10 deal this would also net me 3 more 4* mats in the process.
I’d rather that than 4* 10 probably fruitless pulls on the Halloween Event.