[SOLVED] Family bonus vs Self-reviving buff

Unfortunately, I don’t have a video for that, but I just had it in Raids:

I almost won, but the last standing enemy hero - Tyr - has cast his special and immediately after that died after taking poison damage.

Tyr immediately got into the “Ghost” mode, waiting for revival on the next round.

Then I activated my C. Victor accidentally, and his special was not able to scratch Tyr in ghost mode, but apparently it was able to steal Tyr’s self-revive buff, instantly ending the battle and preventing Tyr from respawning.

If it is a bug, it should be fixed. If it is an intended behavior, then players should probably know about it and use it to their advantage.


this is very interesting, thanks for posting. I have a few Halloween heroes and hate revivers

Victor is fangtastic.

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Hmm, interesting behaviour.
It can not decide whether is it intended or not.

I am asking Staff about it.

Interesting. I will wait for the official answer.

I don’t understand. Do you mean the battle is instantly cut and you lose ?

Staff has started to look at it.

The battle is instantly cut and I won

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Oh, that is very interesting.

I’ve stolen the revive wings using matilda… But not in that circumstance. Interesting though.

Realmente esta acontecendo isso.
Tentei colocar a imagem, a nadezhda foi morta antes da Francine roubar o buff, tecnicamente ela estava morta, não tinha como roubar o buff.

Translation to English by Google:

This really is happening.
I tried to put the image, nadezhda was killed before Francine stole the buff, technically she was dead, there was no way to steal the buff.

(Please use English next time)

20 "I see what you did there"s

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This issue has been fixed in the new update (version 54) which we have now started to roll out. I’ll mark the topic as solved.

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