[SOLVED] Error message with Facebook connection

when i log into the game it says i cant be logged onto Facebook. i tried several times and the error screen comes up

witam również mam problemy z logowaniem się do fb. Próbowałem kilka razy i ten sam błąd.

Same here… glad to hear that i’m not the only one facing this problem

Hi, there’s currently a known issue affecting the Facebook connection. We are currently working on a fix for this issue!


Yo tampoco conecto con facebook

I had this issue and stumbled upon the fix. It seems that Facebook, after I logged off it on the E&P app, deemed its permissions expired. So when I tried connecting my account to Facebook again, the error message would appear. That was until I stumbled upon the apps permissions part of Facebook and reactivated E&P’s permissions within Facebook. That fixed it for me and I could connect my account again.

This should be fixed now! :slight_smile: If you still cannot connect your game to Facebook, please check out these troubleshooting tips: