[SOLVED] 0 free summon notification when Atlantis Summon ended

Pls see attached screenshot


Same here

Real time to next free summon are a few hours.

Also have this issue

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Me too.

Looks silly.

Doesn‘t disapear with restarting the app, neither when get a silber coin and the counter go to 1instead of 0.

Me too :slight_smile: and a few more in my alliance have reported it. Mine appeared after I did a few levels of the second season so it may be related to Atlantis coins. I have over 100 now, and I bet I didn’t have 100 before the bug appeared.


I have the same problem.

Do you guys have >100 atlantis coins? Maybe its related to the atlantis gate

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It occurred to me that they might need this screenshot too, which shows no available

season 2 summon.

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We have over 100 coins. The Atlantis summon was there until we reached enough coins to summon.

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Same, but can’t

post but one image

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Looks like I’m not the only one. I touched the Support button in the game and it sent me here. … not helpful :tired_face::cry:

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looked and seen this topic…checked and yup over 100Atlanis coins :tired_face:

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Think you answered your own question. Yes it is related to the Atlantis summons everyone that gets to the 100 coin mark will have this appear

Problem is by the time you earned the atlantis coins they whipped the chance to use them from under your feet which is unfair.

I have over 1800 Atlantis coins but can’t use them! When will this problem be fixed???

Same here

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Thank you for the reports! There is a known issue with the Free Summon having the number zero on it. This occurs when you have enough Atlantis Coins to do a Summon when the Atlantis Summon is not available. Rest assured, the Atlantis Summon will be once again available next month and you should be able to use your coins then.

My apologies for the problem. We’ll be fixing this in the next update!


To whom it may concern, I had my free summons stopped for some reason it is highlited in red with the number of summons I have in this case 0 it’s been like this for about 3 days now I’ve asked around my alliance as well es other alliances is there a reason why these summons are set to 00r s there a glitch I’ve included a screen shot of the summons showing

It happens when you have at least 100 atlantis coins but their summons are currently unavailable.