So which 5 star ice hero to I ascent to tier 3

All four of them is at 2 / 60 unfortunately I only have enough materials to make only one of them into tier 3. Which onem?

now before all of you say magni I’m going to tell you right now I’ve never had luck with this guy. yes he hits like a beast but after two three hits he’s dead this guy is squishy. And I considering I have leveled up sartana and azlar to tier 3. 3/40 and 3/50 and even at that higher-level they both die ASAP I think that’s the last I need another one of those guys so with that in mind which of these three I should ascent?


Magni but I dont want to

I know many of you will still say magni but again he’s going to be no different than Azlar and Sartana. Thorne hits hard but that’s all he does while Richard on the other hand hits similar to him but does other things which is good plus his defense abd armour is just as good as thorne.

but Frieda seems to do a lot more but not sure how really good she is after getting pass certain levels plus her defense and armour so let me hear your opinion?

If you’re really so adamant about Magni (imo he’d be my choice), then go with Richard.

If you set up Frida’s special (even at 3/70) and Richard’s special; use Frida’s first, then Richard’s, and you’ll see some intense damage on three targets.

Frida 3/70 + Richard 4/80 is better than Frida 4/80 + Richard 3/70 due to the way her elemental debuff she synergizes with blue heroes.

EDIT: oops… I misread. I didn’t realize it was only to tier 3. I would also say to focus on 4* heroes then.

What 4* ice heroes do you have? I’d rather have a 4/70 Grimm or Kiril than any of these at 3/70.

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I have

Sonya 3/56
Kiril. 3/40
Agwa. 3/6
Grimm. 3/38
Triton. 3/10

I would use the first capes on Grimm and the next set on Kiril.


Agree with you. I’ve got Kiril at 4 70 and used him much more than Richard at 3 70

Frida - doesnt need to be maxed to fully utilize her ability.
Richard can be your next choice.
Thorne - never
Magni - only when in need of another sniper