So my S3 pulls threw my ascension priorities all out of whack

Did about 60 pulls in S3, and pulled Heimdall and Freya. 1st world problem is, I was in the midst of leveling Mother North, and also hoping to bag Telluria (I’ll wait for Pirates for another chance at her).

My current maxed 5* are:
Purple - Ursena +10
Yellow - Joon +10, G. Gazelle +2
Blue - Ariel +9, Athena +9
Green - Kingston +9, Alberich +9
Red - Gravemaker +12, Ares +9

My other 5* are:
Purple - Freya (1/1)
Yellow - Inari (3/70), Justice (1/1), Leonidas (1/1)
Blue - Frida (3/29), Perseus (1/1), Vela (1/1), Richard (1/1), Magni (1/1)
Green - Mother North (3/1), Heimdall (1/1), Lianna w/ Costume (1/1), Elkanen (1/1), Kadilen (1/1), Horghall (1/1)
Red - Black Knight (3/25), Mitsuko (1/1), J. Francois (1/1), Grazul (2/1), Red Hood (1/1)

I’ve been lucky to have some great luck in my limited pulls. My original plan was to max Mother North, Black Knight and Frida as my next set of 5*, and then slowly gather the mats to max Lianna w/ Costume, choose between Vela and Richard, and choose between Mitsuko/J. Francois and Grazul. For yellow, I was hoping to pull Sif, but now I will fall back and max Inari. Purple is easy - Freya is my only 5* outside of Ursena.

What I’m hung up on is my Green roster. Should I push M. North to final ascension, refocus on Heimdall, max out Lianna w/ Costume, or assuming I get Telluria, focus on her? M. North’s revival percentage and heal + minions would work great with Freya. Heimdall seems to be OP in a vacuum. Lianna w/ costume is a great sniper, but I already have Kingston. Telluria and Freya sounds amazing.

Ultimately, I want to max them all. I have 9 tonics. Please help.

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But you already have Alby. Makes a lot more sense to me to have 2 snipers and a resurrector than 2 resurrectors and sniper.

You’re really just loaded with elite 5* support heroes as is with Alby, Ariel, Gazelle, and Ares, and Black Knight waiting in the wings.

I see the point, but I’m fearful of “falling behind” the meta if you will. My current Def Lineup of Kingston/Ariel/Ursena/GM/Joon has been solid for me, but I can see that changing with the release of S3 heroes, and the AOE damage of the recent HOTM.

I will take all of them to 3/70 and test them out with various team compositions, but with Freya next in the wings (who I think is vastly underrated at the moment), I need minion creators to maximize the synergy with her.

Since you already have a maxed and emblemed Alberich I don’t see the urgency to do Mother North. Heimdall will be good in the long run as he’s (currently) the only counter to the HP cut special skill mechanic that will be arising in other S3 heroes.

But Lianna with costume bonus is still the hardest hitter in the game and you seem to have a deficiency of strong damage dealers (albeit one of your strongest is Kingston who is same element as Lianna).

So short answer is for the immediate park Mother North at 3-70.

I’ll plan on taking them all to 3/70. Thank goodness I have tons of sturdy shields lol.
I think Inari’s fox minions will work well with Freya too. Tons of testing to do. Hopefully next PoV has tonics as a reward.

Same problem. Just have Elkanen at 4/12 and Vela at 3/42 - and got Heimdall and Fenrir. I have still not decided, how to go on, because I want all 4 of them maxed.