So many Events, do we need two a month?

Two events per month would be great, but one per month would be fine if there were some way to summon event heroes in between events. Perhaps an event summons portal opens for one or two weekends a month on weekends without an event or an Atlantis summon? There wouldn’t be any extra events or ascension items, just the opportunity to draw for those rare event heroes.

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I am playing for just short of a year, i rarely take offers of gems because the others are costly in my currency. Receiving compasses and gloves made me ecstatic. I was able to max 2 4* and take a 5* to 3/70. This was the best event so far for the rewards…

More events, not less, more events, more events , ban OP…

I must have missed something cause I thought completion loot was good this time around…gloves, shield, cape, emblems…and there never are 4* mats in completion loot so that shouldn’t be an issue here…


All mats are relevant. And more events would mean more 3* mats for all and more 4* mats for tops along with flasks, craft mats, etc. All relevant in discussion of adding more events. Reward loot would definitely need reworked in my opinion


What with 8-9 trials a month (emblems), one event a month (3* mats + emblems), two rare quests a month (3* and 4* mats), and a third of a seasonal event per month (3* and 4* mats, probably emblems), I am finding, as a CTP tending to FTP, that I really am getting the mats as fast as I can use them. Not always the ones I want, I admit — Wu Kong has been waiting several weeks for his 4th orb, and Wilbur got to 4/60 at the same time as Boldtusk, so I’m seriously lacking hidden blades — but I’ve got 4 compasses, 3 gloves, and like 3-4 of all of the other 3*s. I only have one five-star hero (which is unsurprising given my time playing), and he’s so generally disliked (Leonidas), he’s not in a hurry to get the mats to go over 2/60.

If there were even more events, I would never progress in Atlantis (starting region 16) or the main storyline (somewhere in the second-to-last region)…


It actually is 2(per event) x about 500 k players who complete the event… that is roughly one million guaranteed ascension items… add two more (per event) and you will release two million ascension items, which mean that countless players will be able to ascend more and more heroes… the game is already overflowing with 5* heroes, they’re everywhere, like mushrooms after heavy rain… soon they will start showing up in gold arena (and I don’t mean cup-droppers)… give it a few more month and 4* heroes will be pushed back from platinum into gold… yes, I would say that has something to do with wreaking the game balance…


Event suck many items and at the same time give you almost none materials in return, making almost impossible to go competitive back to back.

It can be good for the chart, but i don’t think devs want to double our rewards so easily.


I agree with everyones opinion about the AM issue, it would need to be reworked, but the event heroes are already here. We wouldnt be inteoducing more 5*, just gaining the ability to draw them more often than twice a year. The event wouldn’t necessarily increase the number of 5*'s people have unless C2P players started buying at twice the rate. P2W players likely already have them after this first event, and the other four by now for sure.

I like this idea, maybe something similar to the Atlantis portal where it chooses 2 events, or a handful of five to ten random event heroes that can be drawn. No event play or rewards, just the portal.

I like leonidas and i actually plan on using darts on him at some point(in wait and see mode with atlantis since i’m back to buying summons)

He’s not a top yellow like joon or viv but definitely not a waste of mats in my opinion

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Almost impossible to compete back 2 back is the part that intrigued me honestly

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Me either, and a possible solution could be doing exactly the same event two times a month, but completation rewards avalaible only once.

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As to the OP, having two events the same in a month wouldn’t necessarily solve the rarity problem. I’m a C2P player, I usually draw around 10-15 per event OR Atlantis. So I tend to pick and choose. Since I missed on all 15 of my draws for this event, i will now no longer be able to draw until July for these heroes again. Even if there was a second one this month, i wouldn’t necessarily have the resources quickly enough to draw again in two weeks. I would just like the chance to save and skip events as necessary to make the draws I’d like without having to wait five months in between.

In fact, as to rarity, the Knights of Avalon will actually be the rarest in the game this calendar year. They will only be available for a total of seven days. Even seasonal event heroes are available for two to four weeks per year.

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I took Leonidas to 2/60… If I have extra materials lying around, I have nothing against ascending him. But, Wu Kong has priority over him at the moment, and by the time I get 4 more orbs, who knows what will be waiting for them…

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Anything that breaks up the monotony of zero or uclap winning every single event gets a huge :+1::+1::+1: from me


I dont think they would mind either honestly

Since they would have the option of choosing which event gives the most fitting rewards for them so they wouldnt really be out anything

Is this sarcasm? lol

ONE good reward for 100,000+ contenders atm, this is so broken!

Imo they could leave this events rolling nonstop, so every week the event changes. If they choose to do so, just putting the rewards a one-time thing (like a mission, you won 1st place or 2-100 rank and its done, you can’t get the rewards again).

This can make these events more interesting and useful for everyone instead of just the same old vets, imo.

The idea of trying to get new people in the rewards is absolutely a good idea. One time win is all you need. When the same people win the top prizes over snd over, you eventually ask, why do they try? So a one time win for any particular prize would be a good policy to institute.

I have Leonidas same 2/60 but thankfully I didn’t use mats on him. Got Inari and Onatel so they’ll be getting orbs