So can I ascend Clarissa [partially satire]

Don’t ascend any hero.
Could be nerfed afterwards.
Or ascend only the worst.
They could be buffed.
[partially satire]


But it seems like only the best hero’s are nerfed after they racked up all the money. Seems awfully bait and switchy to me…

Satire or not, I’m glad I didn’t have enough tonics to ascend Telluria. Right now, BT is tanking for me, and if post-nerf Telluria proves to be just a meatshield, I might wait for Lianna or Tarlak.

But I am worried about Clarissa now because I am close to having all the mats for her. And like I said before, I don’t think it’s about how good she is, it’s about whether or not she can exploit some sort of game mechanic just like Telly-Vela exploited color-stacking red.