Small Giant please slow down

Have a look out there…Plenty care!

  • Competitive players
  • Most spenders, them with foresight anyway
  • Anyone worried about fresh blood sticking around
  • Anyone tired of watching old friends become weary of the grind
  • Even some loafers care!

Not too many game loafers in the forum but… a few do run into the paywall and come here to this tarpit for a thrashing

A learning curve is all you could muster?

The pace has been commented on by lots of solid contributors.

This is a good egg!

Staff doesn’t care. And I certainly am not blaming them!! :money_mouth_face::+1:
But the pace of paywall upgrades and lack of QoL attention is getting more difficult to defend.
It really is gross…

And yes… there are so-called spies…
It’s no secret

But @Gerg is definitely not one.
Anyone working for SG would have more depth than just… a learning curve