Slow mana five Stars

Hello guys. I have all this slow mana five stars that makes me not eager to start the long road to ascention…

Anzogh(average mana but horrible special i think)

I use them right now and they die before they start

Another problem is the attack percentage connected to their low attack stats so it doesn’t help to have 300 percent from nothing…

The same i feel about elkhanan that i have too

Maybe just ascend 4 stars instead? And wait for the right legendery to arrive?..

Any advice ?


If this is decision beetwen 4* to 4^70 or 5* to 3^70, 4* is better idea. Almost every maxed 4* is better than 5* at 3^70 and your 5* aren’t best ones.


Hi… no… i am not near thst yet . Why should i even start leveling hero that is no good in the long run?..

Maybe i will upload my roaster

I need some strategy for whom to level and ehom yo bench

If you add your hero roster I can help you better :relaxed:

In my opinion it´s better to level your 4stars, with emblems they are far better than 3-70 5stars (sorry, but yours are not the game changers too). Better save the mats for those to come, that will really boost your roster! :slightly_smiling_face:

Boldtusk and kaschrek are no-brainers to level, especially boldtusk is useful for everything!


Thanx… now i just have too many but not clear cut go to guys

Aside from magni the great…

Frida and Magni are top heroes, even at 3-70 for titans, raid, nearly everthing! Anzogh is so ugly looking :smile:

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Finish Boldtusk, next Colen
Kashrek for tank, but first finish your Melendor, after Kash max Hansel
Take Magni to 2^60, next max Kiril, next Frida to 3^70
Max Rigard, next Tiburtus
Max Wu-kong, next Jackal

I see you are a pretty new player, don’t spend much time on 5* now, they need much more food/mats/time than 4*. You need 30 maxed heroes for war and yiu can finish every event/quest with 4*


Hansel, Jackal too are great heroes that will be of great help. With all your good 4stars i wouldn´t care about the 5stars at the moment. Thinking about a d with boldtusk, hansel, rigard, boril (kiril), jackal (li xiu) for example. would be a good defensive line! You got a great roster, would go to tc19 fast for your 4stars if you wanna speed things up.


Wow… Good suggestion… but i feel so much pain not to level my five stars i paid so much for them

What about justice?

Also colen is a slow aoe which means he is not so effective no? Shouldn’t i just go for khagan instead?

Justice can work as a tank but if you want spend more money on pulls you probably can get better hero for this work.

Colen is destructive, Khagan is support with average dmg. At 3^70 he can’t survive long enough. Colen also can be yoyr tank for golden area.

I would stop spending with all that you already have. i was in a similar position and decided not to spend for a longer while, cause it only confuses me to have too many to level and no mats or food for tc19 or whatever. now i´m happy to have my 62 roster (10 5stars/3 at tier 4, red hood done) 35 4stars and 3stars for events). So much to do now, don´t need new ones, wanted poseidon but saved it, since i have guin at 4, musashi and inari waiting for mats, what use would he be standing at 1-1 for half a year. I really try to be more patient now, enjoy what i have and trying to get my 4stars done.


I am around 1350 cups with

Melendor magni boldtusk justice tibutrus

By your comments i see that i really need to love colen more…

I didnt fully ascended no one yet… Maybe that is why i fantasise about the Frida elkhanan and all the reast of the five stars…



Thank you for your answers its is helping me thinking I will gather more info and more answes and then i will decide… i think i want to take magni up if i can. I love hin so much…
But the issue of food is indeed a big problem. And yes there is the thing with the acesnion item too…haha

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Thanx guys.

Fot now i decided to take frida and magni to 2 .60. (they are amazing together… )also kahagan and elkhanan(i like his face…)

Becuase of the advice i got here i am really stoping myself not to advance magni to 3rd tier even thou he is right now my best sniper and holes maker

Max wu kong hansel boldtusk tibertrus jackal melendor and rigard(still not sure about keily collen and all the reds yet)

I don’t have place for kashareck in my team because justice is better tank even at 2 60(am i correct?..) And i already have boldtusk for second tank and the greens in attack are already taken by Amazing hansel and solid melendor which is already in his 3rd tier

Thank you for the good ideas and i would be happy to hear your comments…