Slow heroes are dead! Or aren't they?

I fully understand the hate on Slow/VS heroes because for the longest time I was a hater.

This was owing to a few things that affect newcomers and I would imagine, F2P players. Those things were; not a deep/varied roster, little to no emblems, no mana troops, poorly levelled mana troops.

Until I remedied those things I despised my Slow heroes, and even the Average ones. I only saw value for the longest time in Fast and Very Fast heroes because they more than the others I could use easier, and unfortunately abandoned and ate a good number of slower heroes I wish I could have back (I miss you Lady of the Lake :sob:).

Nowadays if I land an Average (especially) or Slow hero I take a very hard look at them and see how best to use them, because I can use them now.

Newest Slow Hero I love: Congalach


"The Hate"
isn’t exactly a correct adjective
It’s more like…


…and that,
Is a Roster Paradigm!

Those that have:
Regular Azlar and also Costume GM


Don’t have Alfrike but do have Boss Wolf

Those players…
"get it"


Slow hero’s do get a bad rap… But there ways to make them faster even in normal wars and Raids as @Homaclese has mentioned also @Mr.Spock does good stuff with hero’s with mana bonuses etc… Quite amazing…
I have several hero’s that slow maxed emblems but have surrport hero’s around them to make them work bit faster… (troops help too)
But they ain’t useless it’s finding the right way to use them for your benfit.
Every hero can a have a purpose just finding the right way to use them…
People want a easy win not always a long battle but slow and steady wins the race :turtle::+1:


I like slow heroes, I invest in mine.

I think the threads on Treevil, Viscaro and Alfrike can confirm slow is still alive and kicking.

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I am sure Franz will join this group soon… especially after the next 4* rush tournament, which should be next

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They were bad at creating slow/vs heroes that were balanced for the first 2-3 years. Instead of fixing them, they made rush formats, but, at the same time started getting better and released heroes balanced for that speed. Which makes them too strong for rush. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
And now, we are stuck with the mess, and the nerf threads :roll_eyes:


You don’t have to think about mana speed if you tell me about a very fast mana war. You have to think that it is a particular war where you adapt to be able to do your best and make sure that even the slow heroes can for once be very fast and therefore extremely terrible.

Relatively new player here, enjoy the reading the conversations on the forum but have never posted. Wasn’t sure how to create a new topic so I just found one to piggyback on…

Was curious for opinions on using very slow/slow heroes. The most enjoyable part of the game to me is the roster management/team building aspect. This may be better suited for the ideas section but I was thinking of a family of heroes that dealt no damage and offered one valuable skill instead such as dispel, cleanse, special skill defense up, damage reduction, small mana cut, etc. but the skill could be activated in three tiles. The family bonus could be programmed so that they could be charged in as little as three tiles if paired with very slow, four tiles slow, six tiles average, seven fast/VF. Probably would have to have passive that mana speed increases from troops or special skill would not apply. Not sure exactly how multiple speeds on a team could be handled but probably a way. Maybe just one VS hero to get the three tiles…

I think that could be an interesting mechanic to add to the game that would give a lot of flexibility in creating teams. I guess my main question open to discussion is would you use a hero that dealt no damage but activated a certain skill quickly?


Very slow heroes are more situational, than anything. Designed for Rush Wars and Tournaments. It’s a niche group of heroes and I think that’s where they belong. They’re very slow because what they do is devastating. The point of it is that it should take them longer to charge up and they shouldn’t have an additional mechanic to help them live longer just to wipe the other team with one shot.

As for slow heroes, they’re very viable just as any faster ones are. In almost any setting. While the meta suggests the faster the better, I personally disagree. I’ve got a solid roster of fast and very fast heroes and I find myself always using a mix of all speeds (except very slow, unless I am going up against a team where I know I can boost their mana). There are several slow heroes I use regularly on offense and few more I’m leveling that I’ll throw into the mix. My success rate is pretty much the same with these slow heroes as it is using all fast or very fast heroes. Trust me, no one wants to see Khufu living long enough to go off.

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Thanks! I have not found a way yet to be competitive with the slow heroes I have been lucky enough to pull unless I just get a lucky early cascade or diamond to charge them. Playing at 3/70 right now as I wait for ascension materials and I understand it will be easier with troops leveled for mana break points and such.

The most valuable heroes I have for war/raiding right now are Charon (for six tile boosted health) and Milena (for six tile cleanse). I hardly ever charge them beyond the first charge unless and even find myself trying NOT to charge Milena to her second charge if close and I am waiting to use the cleanse after getting hit with blind etc. Which led me to think if I would use the resources to level a pure support hero that dealt no damage and charged in three/six tiles. I think I actually would spend money to summon for a chance at a hero that offered a dispel or cleanse or damage reduction at three tiles even if it dealt no damage. Just thought it could open an interesting conversation.

By the way I do want to give a big thanks! to those that contribute to this forum. I have found it a very valuable resource for learning the in/outs of the game.

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Ive gotten to top 100 with all slow heroes, no rerolls.

Ive gotten to top 100 with treevil ib my team (vs) with rerolls.

Slows are very viable in almost every aspect of the game as @Dyna49 said. And if you have mana gainers ot accelerators you have even more optons


I’m 4 years into this game and have a pretty deep roster. 12 of my maxed 5* are slow or very slow. C2 Vivica and ludwig get used daily in raids and PVE content, Miki on all titans, Viscaro and Noor against minion summoners, Alfrike regularly(even outside of rush) gets played. MoNo has been a mainstay at left wing in war D, C. Isarnia in blue 3 stacks. Raffaele also gets run. The only maxed slow 5* that i rarely use are c. Quintus and yunan and they both occasionally come out to play. I have 5 more slow 5* that will get maxed eventually, + half a dozen maxed 4*(mostly healers) and 21 3*.

So, no, i don’t think slow heroes are dead.