🤖 Skarn – 5* Ice / Blue from Construct family

I agree with your assessment, will be “nice” in a blue stack but not a Titan hero.

For those that chase heroes I can’t see Skarn being a high priority.
Players that have limited rosters and luck into a Skarn may find Skarn very useful (small EDD is better than no EDD, V Fast damage with DoT can add up) because he enhances his blue team mates.

The Corrosive Core is CLEARLY the standout feature of the hero and at V Fast mana some mana slowdown can be applied to the enemy fairly regularly.

I like the look of the card… :person_shrugging:


His special is so week what am i missing. I pulled him wish it was Skoria

He is very weak, but he can be used in tandem with another blue hit all card which can leverage his EDD and the Dot adds up. He is not useful at meta level, and he is not a defender. I have used him at 3 70 along with Fizz and Toon Richard. They level the enemies for a quick clean up after they 3 fire and that DOT makes it easy.

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Another Ice hero. Looks promising.

Was working on Kabeiroi who now is at 4/68. Maybe I’ll switch. Not sure yet.

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I also got him - but not so happy. Too many blue heroes. I was hoping for some dark one… :frowning:

We all have our luck color - I have a insane que of dark heroes - and nothing waiting in holy/nature/fire

But back to the topic - I have this guy at 3/70 currently and really wish they had just given him abit more EDD so that he atleast could fill that spot in a titan team… would help justify going to 4/90-25 which would make him pretty nasty

I feel you. I have Starwalker, Jolt and Adalinda (dupes}, Gladius, Areax , Thanatos, and Frida all waiting at 1/1 and Lord Loki sits at 3/43. Now Skarn joins that long line…

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Why is his leveling up animation off center ?

Should be a bit higher.