Simple choice? between Rigard or Sabina

Who’s next?
Finished Tyrum and Balthazar,now must choose between Rigard or Sabina…
I already maxed hawkmoon for healer.
Tibertus is available.
Including Layla that is all the dark i have now.

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rigard, without a doubt. he is a beast. afterwards focus on tiburtus


Rigard Rigard and Rigard


And to be sure you got it: Rigard


Sabina, debuff and tile damage :blush:

You have 6 regular dispellers in the game (Belith, Tyrum, Melendor, Caedmon, Sonya, Sabina) and 1 quite avalaible (Mnessus), but you have only 2 regular cleanser in the game (Rigard and Vivica).

That said and considering that he probably serve you better for wars and raids, i would say Rigard.


Then probably Tibs.

In the long run Rigard is probably more useful.
He’s cleanse ability is invaluable and there are not many heroes with a similar skill.


Thank you all,
RIGARD it will be,i do have 4 dispellers available. I didn’t realize there were so few cleansers.
Again thanks.


I have 5 Rigards and 3 Tiburtus. The doubles are for the war:

4.70 Rigard
4.70 Rigard
4.70 Rigard
1.01 Rigard (maybe to 3.60 but hoping for a new feature)
1.01 Rigard (maybe to 3.60 but hoping for a new feature)

4.70 Tiburtus
3.60 Tiburtus
3.60 Tiburtus

I would say Rigard.


I guess after rigard i should work on tuberus,no?

Sabina is a good hero, but Rigard is one of the 4-star game changers.

Then I’d work on Tibs, his skill is very useful.

Yes, he is still one of the best 4* Heroes and a direct counter to Vivica.

…and Sabina is a direct counter to Guinevere, who is seen on defense much more frequently. :face_with_monocle:

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Ther’s no such a thing like a Guinevere’s counter outside of Kageburado (and in a minor way Victor) :stuck_out_tongue:

The other purples aren’t fast enough to make any difference but yes, her high attack score can help against Guinevere and she could help removing her buffs…

This game is a trip if you don’t spend money you really can’t go far that’s my only concern about the game

At this early point in the game, my advice would be a 3.60 Rigard first then 4.70 Tibs.
He is more important than Rigard in the first few months. Titans is where the loot is at.

Rigard heals everything curable

Nice! I have 2 Rigard and 2 Tibertus I may have fed a Tibertus to another hero in my unwise days too not sure.

Yes,i like the game,but i’m a ctp ,some time i wish i could spend freely, it may take some of the challenges away, but it will take the fun down.

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